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Aircraft Archive: McDonnell Douglas
Historical Lease Rentals of B737-500 Show Volatility
There continues to be a considerable difference in the behavior of lease rentals and values with the former exhibiting greater volatility in the short term and showing more aptitude for recovery than values. The experience of the B737-500 demonstrates how the market for the type has changed over time, not…

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June 11, 2018
Global G5500 / G6500 Surprises Market But G5000 / G6000 Values May Suffer
The determination of residual values depends to some extent on the arrival of new types into the market but Bombardier and Rolls-Royce have been sufficiently discrete as to spring a surprise at EBACE with the development of two new aircraft - due for service entry within only eighteen months. The…

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June 11, 2018
Intense A330/B787 Competition Could Impact Values
“Strategic” Discounting Sees Boeing Target A330neo The B787-9 remains the most desirable of widebodies in terms of suitability for asset based financing, slightly ahead of the A350-900, and therefore attracts one of the highest of AVACs Aircraft Ratings at an A—but recent competition with Airbus over its A330neo is possibly…

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June 11, 2018
Ultra Long Haul Offerings Will Not Impact Values to Same Extent as A340-500
The appetite for ultra-long haul services has surfaced again even as the values of previous generation of aircraft dedicated to such routes experience the fate of Icarus. The values of the A340-500 and B777-200LR have plummeted in recent years after the few operators of the two types failed to achieve…

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June 11, 2018
Aircraft Asset Assessment
Market Presence. The number of orders for the CRJ1000 remains disappointing. By comparison orders for the E190 number 575 with a backlog of some 60 aircraft. There was always expected to be a limited number of orders given the prescriptive nature of scope clauses in the US but with only…

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June 11, 2018
Increasing Competition Could Impact Rentals
The traditional operating lease product continues to focus on the newer more popular types whereas finance leases and loans may feature on used and older aircraft. The operating lease market has expanded in recent years but compared to the jet sector, the number of lessors is more limited as is…

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June 11, 2018
Widebody Values Fail to Match Strong Traffic
The market for most widebodies continues to be at odds to traffic growth with values for continuing to fall. The arrival of new products and the divesting of older types is contributing to the lack luster nature of the widebody market. The virtual wholesale replacement of the widebody product line…

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June 11, 2018
Latest Aircraft Ratings Feature Fall for Outgoing Aircraft Types
The latest update to The Aircraft Value Analysis Company’s (AVAC) Aircraft Ratings indicates that the relative asset strength of the majority of aircraft still in production is set to decline over the next seven years, largely as a consequence of the service entry of new products. The AVAC ratings update…

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June 1, 2018