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Aircraft Archive: McDonnell Douglas
B737MAX Values Hold Firm – For Now
Grounding Could Create Long Term Perception Problems But Not Yet The values of the B737MAX are not currently being changed despite the tragic loss of two aircraft and subsequent grounding of the type. Boeing cites 376 deliveries of the MAX. With 29,000 jet aircraft in service these 376 aircraft represent…

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April 15, 2019
Concept of Half Life Values Lose Relevance for Older Aircraft
Providing half-life values for older aircraft, particularly widebodies, is becoming increasingly irrelevant and in some cases is leading to an optimistic view of the relative value of assets, thereby increasing risk for owners and potentially overstating book values. The usual method in providing non-maintenance adjusted is to assume half life…

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April 15, 2019
Values of Older Turboprops Fare Better Than New
The market for older turboprops has a measure of resilience that sometimes eludes the newer turboprops not least because the type of aircraft is no longer in production. The price of fuel has done nothing to quell the demand for used turboprops and indeed for new examples. Lower fuel prices…

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April 15, 2019
Narrowbody Rentals Still Low Even With Strong Demand
Shortage Exists Despite Corporate Failures Demand for seats remains strong with January recording a growth rate of 6.5 percent and as such operators are needing to acquire additional capacity but lease rates for narrowbodies continue to be at odds with such growth - except of course where airlines are needing…

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April 1, 2019
The table is published on an annual basis and complements the quarterly updates to specific aircraft categories. The table encompasses both current and future lease rentals. The methodology involved in calculating lease rentals differs from that of values. Lease rentals display greater volatility. Rentals are calculated individually and are not…

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April 1, 2019
Lease Encumbered Current Market Values
As the number of aircraft traded on a standalone basis diminishes, aircraft values are increasingly needing to assess the value of the attached lease – the Lease Encumbered Current Market Value (LECMV) or Securitized Value (SV). The value of the attached lease is increasingly being calculated as an addition to…

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April 1, 2019
A330-200 New Values Deteriorate Over Last Five Years
The value of a new A330-200 has continued to deteriorate in line with expectations given the arrival of a replacement type in the form of A330-800 which hitherto has failed to inspire any enthusiasm. The value of a new aircraft does not seek to represent the cost of buying the…

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March 18, 2019
Values of Large Business Jets Stable
The recovery in business jets does not mean that the values have recovered but that they have either largely stopped falling or have risen slightly. There is no suggestion that they have risen to previous highs. Values courtesy of The Aircraft Value Analysis Company; Heavy Business Jets; Current…

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March 18, 2019