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Aircraft Archive: McDonnell Douglas
B737-400 Values Inevitably Fall
The values of the -400 were falling even before Covid despite the demand for freighter conversion and the decline has been accelerated. Over the period 2004-2007 rentals of the B737-400 had been improving but since then have experienced significant declines before more recently seeing a lower rate of decline. Aircraft…

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July 20, 2020
Aircraft Asset Assessment
The B737-400 Market Presence. The B737-400 is clearly showing its age in terms of efficiency, specification and market orientation even more so in the context of the Covid Event. Structure and systems can be traced back to the 1960s while performance and capacity reflect the 1980s. However, partly perhaps because…

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July 20, 2020
Covid Event Exerts Negative Pressure on Aircraft Ratings
The Aircraft Ratings for most passenger aircraft have inevitably changed for the worse due to the Covid event even if there is some improvement expected in the latter part of the seven year event horizon. The market for the A320ceo family is already proving more difficult than the pre-Covid event…

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July 20, 2020
Capacity Crunch May See Demand Outweighing Capacity in 2024
Future Values Of “Popular” Types May Be Higher than Previously Forecast With thousands of aircraft still parked and lessors fielding requests for rent holidays, rental reductions and even repossession, the market is experiencing the most severe downturn since the dawn of the jet age, eclipsing the effects of the Yom…

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July 20, 2020
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Narrowbody Market Values See Slight Improvement after “Covid Effect” The market is improving with more services being re-started every day and this is helping to stabilize values of some types with a modest rise being recorded. With the rise in the number of flights in a number of countries, there…

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July 6, 2020
ISTAT Appraised Values – Little Effect Noted by “Appraiser N”
The Covid Effect on aircraft values and lease has therefore been wide and varied depending on the perspective of the assessor. Indeed, there continues to be a considerable divergence of opinion among ISTAT certificated aircraft appraisers, which is somewhat surprising. Some ISTAT appraisers consider the Covid event to be nothing…

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July 6, 2020
The listing of current and future values is based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures represent adjustments for offer and sale prices,…

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July 6, 2020
Values Remain Stable After Collapse, Set for Modest Rise
Flight Numbers Increase But Thousands of Aircraft Remain in Storage With the lowest point of the current crisis having perhaps occurred in April, the restoration of some flights and a very modest increase in passenger numbers points to an improving picture but this has merely prevented values from falling any…

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June 22, 2020