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Aircraft Archive: McDonnell Douglas
Values of Business Jets Falter
Despite the effects of Covid, the number of business jets delivered in the second quarter increased contrasting with the fall in used values of the larger examples. In the second quarter of 2020 GAMA reported that there were 130 deliveries of business jets compared with the 114 of the first…

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September 28, 2020
B777-300ER Values Plummet during Covid
The Covid Event has inevitably caused considerable problems for widebodies due to the loss of international travel and the size of the B777-300ER has made it especially vulnerable. The future values of the B777 are naturally dependent to a large extent on the strength of the market. The recession of…

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September 28, 2020
Aircraft Asset Assessment
The B777-300ER Market Presence. The B777-300ER has proven popular as evidenced by the number of orders but whether it will garner the same degree of enthusiasm on the used market is now being put to the test. There will be some operators who will continue to operate the aircraft until…

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September 28, 2020
Part Out Pricing Collapses
The values of older A320s and B737NG family members were previously buoyed by the demand for spare parts, notably the engines, landing gears, avionics and APU but with so many now in storage and being cannibalized by existing operator, demand has plummeted and with it pricing. The fall in spare…

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September 28, 2020
A321ceo Values Decline by “Modest” Amount
Values of the A321ceo have suffered during the Covid Event although not as much as some types. By ordering large numbers of A320s, A321s, B737-800s and B737-900ERs in recent years the average size of narrowbodies has shifted higher which has negative implications for residual values of smaller aircraft. The lack…

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September 14, 2020
Aircraft Asset Assessment
The A321-200 Market Presence. Appraisers’ opinions diverge in terms of the extent of the fall with some indicating very little decline while others suggest more than 20 percent. There are approximately 1,700 serviceable A321-200s of which are 1,106 are active. Of the 500 that are inactive some 100 are undergoing…

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September 14, 2020
Lessors Likely to Encourage ACMI Leases to Generate Revenue
The business model of the lessors may have been essentially static since Mr Hazy essentially founded the operating lease formula with a single DC8 in 1973 to Aeromexico but now the lessors are having to consider new means of generating revenue. The lessors are only at the start of a…

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September 14, 2020
Value Recovery Stymied by Stuttering International Market
Massive 92% Fall in July in International RPKs Points to Slow Recovery The recovery in values depends on the airlines not only flying more aircraft, more often but in carrying more passengers on every aircraft at profitable fare levels and as long as their exists an imbalance between one or…

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September 14, 2020