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Aircraft Archive: McDonnell Douglas
Grounding of PW4000 B777’s Has Potential to Impact Already Weak Values
The grounding of the Pratt & Whitney powered B777’s may affect values of the airframe / engine combination should the problem become a more permanent issue. Some 140 B777-200/-200ERs powered by the PW4000s were available for service prior to the uncontained engine failure. However, 85 were already in storage due…

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March 1, 2021
Defunct TAME Ecuador Seeks to Sell Aircraft At Discount
TAME Ecuador suspended operations in March 2020 but the government liquidated the carrier in May 2020 and now the aircraft are up for sale. The aircraft are in storage. The aircraft involved include a 2011 ATR42-500 MSN 844 which has an indicated value of $3.35 million; ATR42-500 MSN 849, also…

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March 1, 2021
Value of New B737-800’s Fail to Increase Over 20 Years
The Covid Event has inevitably caused values of the few remaining newly delivered B737-800s to exhibit a significant fall, but values of new examples have barely risen since the type was first introduced in 1998. The value of a new B737-800 – the value reflecting the immediate onward sale of…

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March 1, 2021
Airfreight Allows Values to Rise
In all the negativity surrounding the Covid Event, airfreight remains one of the few positives such that values have actually increased for many freighter types over the last year and the B747-8F is no exception. Boeing launched the B747-8F on November 14, 2005, with firm orders for 18 B747-8 Freighters;…

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March 1, 2021
Aircraft Ratings On Cusp Of Improvement
The latest update to The Aircraft Value Analysis Company’s (AVAC Aircraft Ratings indicates that there has been little change in the last six months due to the continued constraints of the Covid Event on travel but there are some indications that Ratings of some aircraft may rise in the…

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March 1, 2021
Recovery Focuses on Newer Types
The values of the newer narrowbodies fell by a significant amount due to Covid – between 15-20 percent – but have the ability to recover first. Demand is increasingly becoming segmented with the newer types and younger examples most in demand and featuring lesser storage levels. Even the values of…

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March 1, 2021
Narrowbody Values Struggle to Recover
Fragmented Slow Recovery Favors Newer Narrowbodies The recovery in at least narrowbody values continues to be stymied by the fragmented rollout of the vaccination program and the potential for fresh restrictions on travel as mutations pose additional threats to global health. The lowest point of the current crisis was nearly…

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February 15, 2021
B777X Residuals Potentially Affected by “Firm” Order Contraction
The market for the B777X has been weaker than might be expected for some years, particularly in the context of such a number of B777-300ERs having been delivered and therefore ripe for replacement in the coming years, but the potential significant reduction in the orderbook may have repercussions for residual…

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February 15, 2021