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Aircraft Archive: McDonnell Douglas
A350-900 Residuals Take Ever Greater Note of Re-engining by End of Decade
It is something of an irony that just as the market for the A350-900 starts to see some improvement, that there is now an expectation that residuals will decline in latter years of this decade due to the re-engining of the type, likely accompanied by a similar change to the…

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April 12, 2021
Values of New A320neos Rise But Have Yet to Achieve Pre-Covid Levels
The market for the A320neo is improving as traffic in some countries and regions starts to open up again but there remains a question mark over when – or even if – values of new examples will equate to pre-Covid levels. At the start of the Covid Event there was…

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April 12, 2021
A330-300P2F Values Set to See Stability
The airfreight market continues to see exceptional strength and this is seeing a rush to convert used widebodies not least because of the issues associated with placing passenger aircraft and the A330-300 is particularly well placed to take advantage of the decline in feedstock pricing. While Airbus no doubt continues…

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April 12, 2021
Few Regional Jet Lease Rentals Improve
There continues to be an assumption that due to weaker traffic then operators are flocking to lease regional jets but this far from reality. Operators are making good use of the regional jets – where they can actually be used economically. Some operators do not have the traffic to warrant…

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April 12, 2021
Freighter Values Register Further Rise
The market for airfreight per se may not be actually as strong as might be imagined but in terms of the demand for dedicated freighters due to the absence of international passenger flights, the demand remains sufficiently substantive as to allow values to register a modest increase. The market for…

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April 12, 2021
B737-800 Values See Slight Rise
The values of the -800 have suffered during the Covid Event but at least there are now sufficient signs of improvement that values can exhibit something of an improvement even if the return to service of the B737-8 is having a negative effect. Orders for the -800 first appeared in…

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April 12, 2021
Values of Recent Generation Engines Set to Recover in Near Term
50 Percent or More Wiped Off Value of Some Engines The market for spare engines may be currently weak but as traffic returns and operators place aircraft back into service, spare engines will be once again in demand allowing values to recover, some more quickly and vigorously than others. The…

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March 29, 2021
LATAM Auction on 14th April Includes A350-900’s & B787-9’s
The auction of 17 newer types represents a significant shift from the types of aircraft that are normally the subject of an auction and is one of the few times that newer aircraft have featured. The 17 aircraft to be auctioned form the assets of the LATAM 2015-1 EETC. The…

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March 29, 2021