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Aircraft Archive: McDonnell Douglas
Aircraft Market Assessment — The B757-200/-200ER
Market Presence. The success of the B757 has been due in no small part to its operational versatility but age, capacity and absence of fleet commonality have taken their toll. The power to weight ratio is of particular relevance allowing operation from runways that can cause problems for alternative equipment.…

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September 27, 2021
Long Term Storage Potentially Leads to Permanent Retirement in Three Years
The long-term storage of aircraft has historically led to permanent retirement, and therefore scrap values, and while the Covid Event has created specific issues, there still exists the danger that a failure to return aircraft to service within a viable timeframe will see aircraft failing to become active once more…

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September 27, 2021
B777-200ER Values Fall into Abyss
The values of the B777-200ER, already under severe pressure prior to the Covid Event, have effectively been halved with no prospect of an improvement with the likelihood that further significant declines will be experienced. The values of the B777-200ER were at their peak some 15 years ago just before the…

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September 13, 2021
Rentals Start to Show Premium Once More
The leasing of regional jets – notably outside of the U.S. – has traditionally elicited a premium when compared to mainline jets. The regional jet market has a lesser number of lessors, reducing the degree of competition. With fewer lessors, the lessees are faced with higher rentals. The vanilla operating…

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September 13, 2021
Freighter Values Remain Resilient
The airfreight market continues to hold much promise not least because of the still limited return of international passenger flights with China, Australia and New Zealand for example all seeing a virtual shutdown in international passenger flights until 2022. When compared to July 2019, airfreight traffic is actually more than…

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September 13, 2021
Desperate Times for A380 Values
Although there may be an attempt to view the latest announcements by some A380 operators of their intent to return at least some of their aircraft to service and as Emirates indicates that it will advance the delivery of its last three aircraft, the collapse in values precipitated, initially by…

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September 13, 2021
Aircraft Asset Assessment — A380
Market Presence. The deterioration in used A380 values has already been significant partly because of the fall in the value of a new A380 but more specifically due to the Covid Event. To a large extent, there has already been some readjustment to residual values because of the slowdown in…

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September 13, 2021
B767-300ER Values Stable Due to Cargo Demand
The values of passenger B767-300ER’s have stopped falling largely because of the demand for conversion to freighter. Prior to the Covid Event, values of the -300ER were experiencing a modest decline because even then the demand for conversion feedstock was evident not least due to the establishment and growth of…

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September 13, 2021