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Aircraft Archive: McDonnell Douglas
Extensive “Preighter” Use Starts to be a Concern for Owners & Lessors
A large number of passenger widebodies are regularly used in the “preighter” role due to the Covid Event and this is now a matter of concern for owners in case it leads to a diminution of value due to possible inappropriate and prolonged utility in this role. “Preighters” were introduced…

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September 27, 2021
B737-9 Values Marginally Higher Than The B737-8
The value of a B737-9 has failed to advance sufficiently such that the value of a new -9 is only slightly higher than a -8. The market for the B737-9 is nearly as difficult as for the B737-900ER versus the B737-800. The value of a 2018 B737-900ER is fortunate to…

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September 27, 2021
B767-300ER Values Stable Due to Cargo Demand
The values of passenger B767-300ER’s have stopped falling largely because of the demand for conversion to freighter. Prior to the Covid Event, values of the -300ER were experiencing a modest decline because even then the demand for conversion feedstock was evident not least due to the establishment and growth of…

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September 13, 2021
Norwegian Cites “Tighter Market” for Lease Rates in 2022
As the demand for narrowbodies focusses on newer aircraft types and younger examples of outgoing models, lease rentals are beginning to increase as illustrated by recent comments by the heavily restructured Norwegian. Norwegian, although still very much operational, has been forced to curtail its operations as a result of the…

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September 13, 2021
Net Pricing of B737 Reset - Again
Values of New B737 Set to Rise But Minimal Change in 25 Years The values of newly delivered aircraft have been variously reset over the last four decades because of significant downturns with the Covid Event being no exception but for narrowbodies at least, there is an expectation that the…

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September 13, 2021
Nepal Airlines Finally Sells A Rare B757-200C for "$5.4 million"
The B757-200C owned by Nepal Airlines has been sold after a hiatus due to the Covid Event albeit for slightly less than the $5.7 million that was previously agreed. The aircraft (MSN 23863) was originally sold in December 2019 for $5.7 million to CSDS Asset Management after being offered for…

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September 13, 2021
Lessor Ilyushin Finance Seeks to Sell Tu-204 / Tu-214 for $20.6 million Each
The Russian lessor, Ilyushin Finance, is reportedly seeking to sell seven Tu-204/Tu-214s for $20.6 million each but the aircraft are not in an airworthy condition. The Tu-204 is the Russian version of the B757 powered by PS-90 engines (the TU204-120 is powered by RB211 engines and are not part of…

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September 13, 2021
B777-200ER Values Fall into Abyss
The values of the B777-200ER, already under severe pressure prior to the Covid Event, have effectively been halved with no prospect of an improvement with the likelihood that further significant declines will be experienced. The values of the B777-200ER were at their peak some 15 years ago just before the…

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September 13, 2021