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Aircraft Archive: McDonnell Douglas MD90
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Weak Demand Undermines Values of All Types There has been an appreciable change in the current and short term values of most aircraft types since the October 2008 issue due to the continuing difficulties of the financial markets and the recessionary effects of the global economy. The values were prepared…

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July 20, 2009
Bombardier CSeries is an Aircraft “That Retains Its Value”
According to Bombardier the CSeries will retains its value even though the market segment in which it operates is already filled with highly successful aircraft. According to Bombardier Commercial Vice President Marketing, Philippe Poutissou, “The CSeries is an airplane that retains its value and has a lot of additional value…

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June 8, 2009
Value of Chinese A320s Likely to be Consistent with European Examples
The flight in May of the first A320 to be assembled in China requires careful analysis as to whether such aircraft can be actively traded in the wider market and therefore justify the same value as those A320s manufactured in Europe. The first Chinese A320 was assembled in Tianjin under…

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June 8, 2009
Aircraft Values Experience Appreciable Fall
There exists a temptation to refute any talk of a fall in values in types that previously held the mantle of most popular. The values of the newer aircraft may not be experiencing a fall of the magnitude experienced by some types during this and other downturns but the trend…

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May 11, 2009
Aircraft Values Face Testing Times
The values of the newer aircraft may not be experiencing a fall of the magnitude experienced by some types during this and other downturns but the trend is clearly negative and will remain so for at least another twelve months. The values of older aircraft were the first to suffer…

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February 2, 2009
The listing of current and future values are based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures for October 31st 2008 current values represent…

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January 5, 2009
Distressed Sale Discounting Rises
Leasing & Storage Offer Better Options The increasing depth of the seeming now global economic recession, combined with still restricted funding, is causing sufficient anxiety for financial institutions to once again consider the possibility of distressed sale pricing. The last aviation specific downturn seven years ago saw distressed sale values…

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November 24, 2008
Values of Newer Aircraft Start to Falter
To date the principal focus of the effects of the downturn have focused on the older generation aircraft but as operators face every tougher conditions, the weakness in values has begun to spread to newer types. Gaps have begun to appear in delivery schedules which may allow some operators to…

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September 1, 2008