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Aircraft Archive: McDonnell Douglas MD11
Aircraft Asset Assessment The MD11
Market Presence. In terms of historical values of the MD11, initially the outlook appeared promising, resulting more from the overall perceptions regarding widebodies rather than a judgment concerning the actual type. The initial problems regarding range resulted in some concern although it was appreciated that most new aircraft have their…

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October 15, 2007
MD11 Values Lose Ground
The MD11 passenger aircraft may be in the minority but the type, through continued interest in the freighter program, continues to see relatively stable values. The international scheduled market is seeing sustained improvement and there has been an under-ordering of replacement capacity. Unfortunately, the MD11 has not been viewed as…

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October 15, 2007
Despite Strong Market Values Keep Falling
Values of older widebodies continue to face weakness as the effects of higher maintenance and operating costs take precedence over lack of newer products. The cost of reconfiguring the older widebodies is such that there are few owners willing to undertake the task. A widebody can cost between $5-10 million…

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August 20, 2007
B787 Roll-Out Accompanied by Strengthening Values
The roll-out of the B787 was accompanied by further orders and such is the demand for the aircraft that values have continued to rise, at least with respect to the short term. List prices of the B787 have risen by six percent and some values by five percent over the…

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July 23, 2007
Rates Grab Opportunity to Register Rise
Such is the sustained demand for widebody capacity that lease rentals of some types have improved. The smaller and medium sized widebodies have been the principal beneficiaries of the lack of availability of more modern equipment. The lesser fuel efficiency of the older types has been partially negated by the…

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July 23, 2007
B777-300ER Continues to Erode Popularity of B777-200ER
The B777-200ER remains in demand such that values remain relatively stable. The expansion of the customer base and on-going popularity has persuaded financial institutions to participate in sale and leasebacks and other financing instruments. However, over the course of the last four years, the order total has managed to increase…

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July 23, 2007
Ripple Effect Fails To Prevent Fall In Values
While the impact of a lack of supply of newer models may have resulted in a rise in lease rentals, values of older widebodies continue to remain on the ropes. The values of a number of older widebodies are below $5 million. The increase in lease rentals may have caused…

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May 14, 2007
A340-600 Values Unaffected By Weight "Issue"
The values of the A340-600 remain unmoved by the discussion over whether the cargo carrying capability of the type has been impacted by the use of heavier premium class seats and services at the front of the aircraft. The discussion centers on a seemingly incorrect report that the inclusion of…

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April 30, 2007