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Aircraft Archive: McDonnell Douglas DC9-30H
Chapter 2 Segment Not Suited to Asset Based Financing
Placing a value on an aircraft implies that the asset has some attraction beyond that of the existing operator. While older Chapter 2 aircraft can still be traded, the price has become much more important than the value. The number in permanent storage is ever rising and the junkyards cannot…

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January 18, 2010
Last Delivery of B747-400 Highlighted by Depressed Values CRJ200 Values Face Renewed Pressure as Mesa Falters MD80 Acquisition Fails to Turn Type Into Asset Cargo Traffic For 2009 Experiences Major Fall But Improvement Evident Widebody Lease Rates Continu
Values of B747-400 & -400Fs Approach Low Point The delivery of the last B747-400 – a -400ERF – in late 2009 signals the end of an era as well as highlighting a considerable deterioration in the value of both the passenger and freighter versions over the course of the last…

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January 18, 2010
Chapter 2 Segment has no Relevance
Chapter 2 aircraft have little or no relevance to asset based financing. While such aircraft are traded, finding finance based on the value of the asset is virtually impossible. The number in permanent storage is ever rising and the junkyards cannot keep up with the rate of disposal. With the…

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September 28, 2009
Even Scrapping Has Become Difficult
The significant fall in the price of spares has inevitably led to a further deterioration in even scrap values of aircraft. There now seems little point in providing a listing of such aircraft such is the lack of relevance to asset based financing. With the majority of Chapter 2 aircraft…

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June 8, 2009
The End is Here
With the majority of Chapter 2 aircraft now worth less than $1 million and indeed, much less, there is little to commend the various types in this category. For the majority of Chapter 2 aircraft, any value mostly resides with the operator. Seeking to sell the aircraft for cash was…

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March 2, 2009
The listing of current and future values are based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures for October 31st 2008 current values represent…

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January 5, 2009
The End is Nigh for Stage 2 Values
The placement of a value on an aircraft implies that the type has some degree of relevance to the market, that it can be marketed to others. However, for the majority of Chapter 2 aircraft, any value mostly resides with the operator. Seeking to sell the aircraft for cash was…

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November 24, 2008
Rentals Continue to Fall
While there continues to be a measure of demand for the older aircraft types, the focus is clearly on the newer. LIBOR interest rates are finally easing allowing for a measure of comfort for lessees but this only serves to see rentals falling lower. Aircraft such as the B727 and…

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November 10, 2008
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