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Aircraft Archive: McDonnell Douglas DC10-30
Rising Price of New Aircraft Follows Recovery Trend from Previous Downturns
The increase in the price – and value - of new aircraft in the next few years is the most significant in twenty years with unwanted inflationary pressures also set to benefit some used types. Any forecasting needs to draw upon past events. The industry has been through some seven…

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January 2, 2023
Inflation & Traffic Accelerate Value & Lease Rental Recovery
Newer Aircraft Benefit Most While Values of Used Languish Semi-Annual Market Overview Part 2 – Pent Up Demand Will Aid Recovery. The market is recovering, perhaps sooner than was expected during the depths of the pandemic, but fresh challenges have emerged that have to the potential to undermine the extent…

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October 24, 2022
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Escalation Starts to Affect Values of Newer Aircraft The cost of new aircraft for customers is increasing at a rate not seen for a number of decades and while values of some types will increase as a result, others will see experience “Obsolescence Rush”. The effect of inflation on aircraft…

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June 20, 2022
Aircraft Values in Economic Downturns
Any forecasting needs to draw upon past events. The industry has been through some seven major M events over the course of the last 50 years. The invasion of Kuwait in 1990 led to a significant decline in the global economy while the events of 2001 had a direct effect…

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March 30, 2020
Value Trend for New B777-200ERs Reflected End of Life Deterioration
The value of a new B777-200ER experienced fluctuation before declining in the last years of production, a trend that has already been repeated for the -300ER and A380 and which awaits the fate of other types currently in production. The value a new B777-200ER in 1996 – designated the “B”…

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January 20, 2020
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Most Widebody Values Struggling to Remain Stable While the narrowbody segment of the market continues to dominate due to the strong backlog, problems of the MAX and expansion of the operator base, the values of most widebodies continue to fall, some at a significant and sustained rate. One of the…

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January 6, 2020
Transitioning Product Line Impacts Values of Outgoing Models
Demand Insufficient to Hide Vulnerability of Types Coming to End of Production Demand for aircraft, as evidenced by higher than trend traffic and an extensive – record - backlog, would seem to suggest that values for nearly all types should be rising but the process of replacement is taking its…

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November 12, 2018
Widebody Market Continues to Cause Problems for Owners
Residuals of Aging Widebody Aircraft Fail to Live Up to Expectations Medium to long term residual values of widebodies have nearly always failed to match forecasts and even those held in high regard today will likely suffer the same fate as widebodies face different challenges from narrowbodies. The greater volatility…

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April 30, 2018
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