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Aircraft Archive: Embraer 110
50-Seat Regional Jet Values Wobble
As Delta Air Lines [DALQ] deliberates the fate of a number of 50-seat Bombardier [BBD] CRJ100/200s operated by subsidiary Comair, the uncertainty is creating additional liabilities for values. The high price of fuel, a seemingly constant topic of conversation for the airline industry today, has already damaged the value prospects…

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October 17, 2005
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values of Newer Aircraft Types on the Up In the current climate of high fuel prices, the values of newer aircraft types that offer greater fuel efficiency have risen further over the last six months. There is a growing disparity between supply and demand. While there was an imbalance in…

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September 5, 2005
Potential Improvement in Turboprop Values
After nearly a decade of decline, values of at least some turboprops may be managing to turn the tide and register an improvement. The cause of the improvement lay with the sustained increase in the price of fuel. While regional jets have supplanted many turboprops in recent years, a higher…

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August 22, 2005
High Fuel Prices Hasten Demise of Older Widebody Values
The high price of fuel is continuing to take its toll on the demand for older widebodies, with values experiencing further weakness. Far from stronger international traffic resulting in the acquisition of surplus ageing widebodies, the improved market conditions are allowing operators to seek replacements. With the high price of…

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June 13, 2005
Widebody Values Experience Sporadic Increase
The first quarter of any year is usually the leanest in terms of revenue for operators and demand for aircraft. While the market overall is continuing to enjoy sustained growth, the high sustained high price of fuel has taken its toll on the finances of operators. The continued fragility of…

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May 2, 2005
Values of 100 Seaters Continue to Experience Downward Shift
While Continental Airlines [CAL] has temporarily lifted its potential disposal of 24 Boeing [BA] B737-500s after a last- minute agreement with its unions, the values of 100-seat aircraft remain under severe pressure, a sharp contrast with the fortunes other aircraft such as the B737-300. Several events highlight the difficulties facing…

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April 4, 2005
A318 Residuals Continue to Face Difficult Times
Despite having been in service for nearly two years, the fortunes of the A318 have not improved. The cancellation of the B717 program by Boeing [BA] points to continued difficulties for the 100-seat market. The departure of the B717 is not likely to lead to improved market conditions for the…

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March 21, 2005
Turboprop Values Manage Stability
Values of many turboprops have managed to achieve a measure of stability over the last six months. In view of the substantive decline in turboprop values over the course of the last five years, this period of stability represents a welcome relief. Perhaps because values of turboprops have declined so…

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March 7, 2005