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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Values & Rentals Face DC10-10 Fate
The B767-400 is a niche aircraft having never produced the type of demand envisaged by Boeing essentially filling a gap for a few customers. The B767-400 was only ever ordered by Delta and United although one was also delivered to BBJ and is currently operated by the Bahrain Government. With…

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April 30, 2018
Market Favors New Aircraft As Fuel Rises
The market for the narrowbodies remains strong at least for the newer aircraft types largely because of the sustained above trend passenger growth. IATA reported a 7.6 percent growth in passenger traffic in February although IATA does not represent all airlines. This compares with the average of approximately 5.5 percent…

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April 30, 2018
Widebody Market Continues to Cause Problems for Owners
Residuals of Aging Widebody Aircraft Fail to Live Up to Expectations Medium to long term residual values of widebodies have nearly always failed to match forecasts and even those held in high regard today will likely suffer the same fate as widebodies face different challenges from narrowbodies. The greater volatility…

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April 30, 2018
Aircraft Asset Assessment
Market Presence. The A330-200F was developed as a means of stimulating additional sales for Airbus widebodies at a difficult time for the European manufacturer and to act as a replacement for the A300-600F which had ended production. Airbus was also conscious that Boeing had a pre-eminent position in the new…

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April 16, 2018
A330-200F Values Achieve Measure of Stability
The oprderbook for the A330-200F has failed to advance even with the improvement in the freighter market and this has previously led to a fall in values. However, despite the limited appetite for the aircraft values are now experiencing a modest level of stability. The A330-200F was first seriously considered…

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April 16, 2018
End of Lease Compensation Reaches $10+ million for new A320neo & B737-8s
A ten year lease being started today for a new A320neo or B737-8 will see the end of lease half to full life compensation reaching $10+ million due to inflation. An End of Lease Compensation arrangement rather than maintenance reserves, is usually used for a lessee of good standing, one…

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April 16, 2018
B767-300F Lease Rentals Achieve Stability Where Others Cannot
With the airfreight market continuing to show signs of improvement, notwithstanding the implications of the trade war between China and the U.S., freighters are once again in vogue but the B767-300F has perhaps been one of the few to remain in demand throughout the good times and bad even if…

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April 16, 2018
Regional Jet Values Experience Variability
The transition of the regional jet models to the E2 and the ageing of the CRJ series has inevitably started to have an impact on values. The current product line has been in existence for some 15 years and such an extensive life cycle inevitably means that there are a…

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April 16, 2018