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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Dash8-400 Rentals Could be Affected by Disposals
The effect of a rise in the availability of key leased products on lease rentals has been clearly illustrated with the ATR72-600 during the latter part of 2017 and early 2018 and other types are exposed going forward. A year ago the planned and unexpected release onto the market of…

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October 1, 2018
First A380 Dismantling Increases Focus on Part Out/Scrap Values
Other Large Widebodies Also Face Remarketing Difficulties The first of two A380s that were previously operated by Singapore Airlines have started to be parted out rather than scrapped with the expectation that investors of the two funds involved in the financing of the aircraft will receive a 145 to 155…

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October 1, 2018
Widebody Maintenance Reserves & EOL Compensation Set to Fall?
The July 2018 agreement between CFM and IATA to improve competition, and thereby prevent the European Commission from continuing its investigation of the current business models of the engine OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers), is extending to the widebody sector as well which will see the maintenance reserves and EOL amounts…

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September 17, 2018
Historical B747-400 Value Trend Shows Recent Collapse
The values of the B747-400 since service entry was effect nearly 30 years have exhibited periods of modest improvement and eras of steep declines, with the latter being much more evident over the last decade. When introduced in 1989, the aircraft attracted a value of some $120 million reaching a…

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September 17, 2018
B777-200ER Values Continue To Nosedive
Remarketing Focussed on Leasing to Second Tier Operators The fortunes of the B777-200ER continue to falter as ever more newer B787-9 and A350s which are acting just as much as replacement rather than growth capacity for some operators. As aircraft are retired from primary operators, lessors have to place aircraft…

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September 17, 2018
Aircraft Liquidity Still Fails Widebodies
The liquidity of aircraft represents a significant factor in determining the values of existing types but can also illustrate the potential for types currently held in high regard. There are few types that have the highest rating in the period 2011-2018. The liquidity seeks to reflect how easy it is…

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September 17, 2018
Aircraft Asset Assessment
A310-300 Market Presence. The A310-300 at least features a two-person cockpit though it lacks the sophistication of the later Airbus product range. The powerplants remained reasonably competitive until recently. Operational flexibility of the A310-300 varies considerably depending on the MTOW and whether additional fuel tanks are fitted in the lower…

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September 17, 2018
A310-300 Values Slide Into Abyss
Placing a value on the A310-300 is something of an irrelevance as asset based financing is no longer a viable option for the type. The decline in the -300 fleet over the years says it all. The aircraft was converted to freighter but a reasonable number remained in the passenger…

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September 17, 2018