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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
B767-300ER Historical Value Behavior Defy Expectations
The values of the B767-300ER have managed to defy expectations over the years not least because of delays to various programs but even now the type has its attractions. While the values of the B767-300ER are under pressure there can be no escaping just how successful the type has been.…

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October 29, 2018
E190 Values Start to Take Note of E2
The 98-passenger Embraer 190 is a member of a family of commercial jets which have now been in service for over a decade. However, in the face of competitors such as the Superjet 100 and the MRJ, the E-Jet family is beginning to show its age, hence the development of…

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October 29, 2018
B787-8 Set to Lose B Aircraft Rating
Boeing is having to reboot the -8 after having focused on the -9 and -10 perhaps a bit too much but to a large extent it appears that the relative attraction of the -8 is fading as predicted. The B787 may have cost $30 billion to date or even more.…

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October 1, 2018
Outgoing Widebody Values Suffer
The market for most widebodies continues to be at odds to traffic growth with values for continuing to fall. The arrival of new products and the divesting of older types is contributing to the lack luster nature of the widebody market. The virtual wholesale replacement of the widebody product line…

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October 1, 2018
Aircraft Asset Assessment
Market Presence. While Boeing sought to capitalize on the delays to the A380 they ignored their own problems with respect to the B787 and then the B747-8. Public relations, customer perceptions and most of all finances, have been adversely affected by the difficulties. The first 65 aircraft required some degree…

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October 1, 2018
Values of A321-200 Remain Reasonable Despite Introduction of A321neo
The A321neo is entering service in numbers with the ACF (Airbus Cabin Flex) now joining the mix but values of the outgoing A321ceo, for which there are some 100 deliveries to be made, are managing to achieve a measure of stability. During the last twelve months a 2013 vintage A321-200…

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October 1, 2018
Historical Value Trend of A320 Shows Volatility
The values of the A320 have experienced considerable volatility over the last 20 years but have shown some stability, at least for the last few years and assuming a relatively young aircraft. In terms of the A320neo a measure of parity with the B737-8 has been achieved but for the…

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October 1, 2018
Spare Engine List Prices Continue to Rise
The engine manufacturers are continuing to increase list prices for spare engines which in turn is helping to maintain the value of used units. While the price paid by customers of installed engines is close to cost pricing the opposite is more likely when considering the price of spare engines.…

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October 1, 2018