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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
New Value Progression of B767-300ER Show How Far Values Can Fall
Whatever the current enthusiasm for used B767-300ERs, there can be no disguising just how far values of new B767-300ERs fell in the final years of the program. The first B767-300ER was introduced in 1988 and such was its range and capacity that orders multiplied. The initial rise in new pricing…

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March 4, 2019
A320ceo and B737-800 Values Remain Stable
With less than 70 A320ceos remaining to be delivered and only 26 B737-800s on backlog, it would be expected that values would be falling by more than average but the last year has seen a relatively modest fall. As of the end of January 2019 there had been 4770 orders…

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March 4, 2019
Used B757 Values Latterly Remain Firm
The market for the B757 remains reasonable and as such values continue to exhbit considerable stability. In designing the B757 – a program that was developed in conjunciton with the B767 and a move that may reappear with the B797 – Boeing developed not only a formidable performer but one…

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March 4, 2019
Market for ATR72-600 Weaker
The market for the ATR72-600 over the last three years has been weaker than anticipated perhaps because the manufacturer has been chasing production rates although the demise of a number of operators using the ATR72-600 has not helped. The sustained demand for turboprops has allowed a measure of stability to…

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March 4, 2019
Values of A318 Fall by 85 percent in 15 Years
The values of the A318 have exhibited a steep decline since service entry and have never really managed to stage a recovery. When the A318 entered service in 2003 it was already suffering from a difficult market. Post 2001 saw values of every aircraft fall by a greater or lesser…

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February 18, 2019
Age & Product Transition Take Their Toll on Rentals
The market for regional jets is not as buoyant as it once was because of the transition in the product line and due to lease expirations. The older Embraer products, notably the E170 and E190/E195, are exposed as a flurry of examples are being released by existing operators. This process…

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February 18, 2019
Aircraft Asset Assessment
CRJ700 Market Presence. There are approximately 330 CRJ700s in service with 30 operators. The majority, 276 or 84 percent, are located in the U.S. Asia and Pacific have only 27 units or eight percent of the market. The majority – or nearly a 100 aircraft - are located with Skywest…

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February 18, 2019
Market Values Ease Down
The values of in production narrowbodies continue to fall but in general by less than the average annual fall of 8-10 percent. The A320ceo and B737-800 remain favored even as production transitions to the new aircraft. One of the principal issues for used values is the stagnation in new prices.…

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February 18, 2019