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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
CFM56 & V2500 Engine Values Remain Stable Despite Arrival of New Aircraft
The Trent 500 that powers the A340-600 has an LLP cost of over $6 million and a shop visit cost of approximately $7 million. Based on engines that have 5,000 cycles (half life) remaining then the arithmetic calculation suggests that the LLP value is $12 million with half life between…

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July 8, 2019
Values of A321-100 Fail to Impress
The values of the A321 overall may be enjoying some stability but the same cannot be said for the -100 variant except that having reached scrap levels they can hardly fall any further. Any variant that carries the -100 designation is likely to face residual value issues and the A321-100…

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July 8, 2019
Aircraft Asset Assessment
The MD83 Market Presence. The MD83 experienced its heyday in the late 1980s and early 1990s. While values started to stumble more than 20 years ago, availability only became a major issue 15 years ago. Even before production ceased in 1999, the MD83 was already facing severe pressure from the…

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July 8, 2019
A321XLR Launch Edges Nearer Serving to Place Pressure on Potential B797
The launch of the A321XLR is expected later this year, a decision that will have repercussions for the B797 and potentially the A321LR. The launch of the A321XLR would see the range of the aircraft increase by more than 500 nautical miles – possibly 700 - compared to the A321LR…

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June 10, 2019
Values of CRJ900 Continue to Tumble
The historical trend of CRJ900 values highlights the problems associated with a variable new pricing and relatively limited market opportunities. The values of the CRJ900 initially enjoyed some stability when entering service in the early 2000’s. Operators had been seeking more capacity ever since the CRJ100 had entered service a…

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June 10, 2019
Aircraft Asset Assessment
The ERJ145 Market Presence. Part of the structure of the ERJ145 can be traced to the successful EMB120 Brasilia. The airframe is therefore something of a known quantity in terms of being able to cope with the short sector lengths. The ability of the regional jets to offer a similar…

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June 10, 2019
Widebody Rentals Remain Under Pressure
The market for widebodies is not as strong as for narrowbodies with lease rentals remaining under pressure as a result of higher fuel prices and weaker yields. Leasing the widebodies on a vanilla operating lease poses more risk for the lessor. While the returns can be higher and more certain…

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June 10, 2019
Regional Aircraft List Prices Fail to Rise
Level of Discounting Still Less than Larger Aircraft While the list prices published by the manufacturers of larger commercial jets continue to present a substantive disconnect with the values of new aircraft, the list prices of regional jet makers have better, if still divergent, correlation. The difference between list prices…

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June 10, 2019