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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Rentals Still Stable Despite Gloomy Outlook
The market for the freighters may be difficult due to the economic conditions and outlook and even the upcoming holiday season at the end of the year has not create the much needed bounce but this has not stopped the conversion of aircraft. The B777-300ER conversion program has just been…

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November 11, 2019
Outlook for Values & Rentals Face Uncertainty
Values Of New Aircraft Fail to Increase Thereby Impacting Used Market The outlook for values and lease rentals in the short term is likely to be weaker than in previous years due to weaker economic conditions and lower traffic growth in some key markets although some types may be exhibiting…

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October 28, 2019
Cost of $33m B777-300ER Freighter Not Likely to Impact B777F Values - Yet
The launch of the B777-300ER represents a significant event for not only the residual values of the passenger aircraft but also the B777F. The B777-300ERSF has been launched by GECAS and IAI as a joint program. The order invoices 15 firm conversions and 15 options. The first aircraft will be…

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October 28, 2019
Values of B737-500 At Virtual Scrap Levels
The B737-500 has passed the tipping point when more than fifty percent have been either scrapped or in storage which means that even the engines are not in particular demand. The oldest B737-500 is 29 years of age with a fleet average of around 23 years. Yet of the 389…

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October 28, 2019
Turboprop Half to Full Life Adjustments
While the commercial jets are naturally the focus, the turboprops can also require heavy maintenance and engine overhauls which can easily impact the returns for both operator and lessor. The heavy maintenance visits on the airframe can be less onerous than for jets particularly if the aircraft is unpressurised. The…

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October 28, 2019
Values of Outgoing Widebodies Continue to Decline
The market is more vulnerable than fragile and with the change in the product line contributing to the decline in some widebody values. While the load factors on international flights may be high, that does not necessarily mean that operators are making money. Many seats are now booked well in…

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October 28, 2019
Aircraft Asset Assessment
The B737-500 Market Presence. The -500 has a limited market presence though there are over 90 operators of the type with many operating less than five units. With perhaps 200 in storage and scrapped, the market for the type is limited. In contrast to the B737-300 and -400 there is…

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October 28, 2019
CRJ700 Value Trend Sees Rapid Recent Fall
The market for the 70 seat regional jet has diminished greatly over the course of the last decade, if not longer not least due to “scope creep” in the U.S. The demand for the 70 seaters was initiated by scope creep and the demand for larger aircraft from outside of…

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October 28, 2019