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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Values Stutter as Storage Levels Remain High
The values of the -300 have suffered a significant decline due to the Covid Event but they were already under pressure before then as a result of the arrival of the A330-900 and greater availability on the used market. The market for the type remains difficult as there are over…

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December 7, 2020
Aircraft Asset Assessment - A330-300
Market Presence. The A330-300 at last served to throw off the adverse perceptions that sometimes plague Airbus widebody values. In terms of residual values, for the short to medium term the A330-300 initially proved to be among the top smaller widebody performers though these have fallen in recent years as…

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December 7, 2020
Loan to Value Ratios Fall As Lenders Seek to Minimize Risk
The demise of the aircraft value cycle was much exaggerated prior to the Covid Event and the return of volatility has inevitably caused the flight of many investors away from aircraft financing with those remaining, demanding risk averse loan to value (LTV) ratios. The Covid Event has impacted aircraft values…

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December 7, 2020
Weak Demand Forces Lessors Into Power by Hour (PBH) Deals
PBH Arrangements Now More Common The dire market conditions continue to make the market extremely difficult for the lessors seeking to remarket aircraft that have been returned due to corporate collapse, lease expiry, repossession, replaced by newer types. Traditionally, approximately ten percent of a lessors portfolio will need to be…

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November 23, 2020
Vaccine Offers Prospect of “Bounce” for Values of Newer Aircraft Next Year
The announcement that the approval of vaccines may be forthcoming in the next few weeks with the potential for a global vaccination program to be initiated in the spring of next year offers the promise of much improved demand for newer aircraft types as operators scramble to restore schedules to…

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November 23, 2020
Rex Airlines Reportedly Pays “$43,600” Per Month for Older B737-800
The report that Rex Airlines, seeking to takeover some of the routes left vacant by Virgin Australia, is paying some $43,600 a month initially should come as no surprise in view of the age of the aircraft and the lack of interest in capacity. “The Australian” newspaper reportedly indicated that…

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November 23, 2020
Freighter Values Start to Take Note of Potential New Models
The market for new production freighters is at a crossroads given the decision by Boeing to cease production of both the B777F and B747-8F. The airfreight market has enjoyed considerable success due to the reduction in passenger flights but may be relatively short lived as international passenger flights are restored…

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November 23, 2020
Newer Narrowbody Rentals Improve Slightly
The lease rentals of newer narrowbodies have improved slightly as aircraft are returned to service but lessors are finding that some existing lessees are needing assistance in terms of deferrals and rent reductions. In the immediate aftermath of the depths of the Covid Event in April, some lessees sought to…

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November 23, 2020