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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Ageing Narrowbody Rentals Have Nowhere To Hide
Any improvement in rentals of the older narrowbodies now seems to lie with a change in terms and a rise in interest rates. Lease rentals tend to rise as an aircraft ages due to the filtering process. Traditionally a new aircraft has been delivered to an operator with a reasonable…

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November 27, 2006
Improvement For Some Freighter Values
Though recent months may have seen a slight slowdown in the rate of airfreight growth the traditional festive season will regenerate renewed interest. There remains a shortage of capacity, at least for more modern equipment. The demand for capacity remains sufficiently strong as to keep values at least at previous…

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November 27, 2006
A340-300 Values Remain Weak
The virtual absence of orders for the A340-300 in recent years continues to undermine values even though lease rentals may be showing a measure of stability. The long-range capability of the A340-300 has to date provided a measure of comfort for the type. The reasonable popularity of the A340-300 stems…

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November 27, 2006
Aircraft Asset Assessment -- A340-300
Market Presence. Despite being more than ten years of age, the A340-300 is still synonymous with the latest technology. The engines and cockpit may have been refined but the basic structure and systems are still contemporary. The A340-500 and -600 inevitably improves upon some aspects but there exists nothing major…

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November 27, 2006
B737-600 Values Continue To Falter
Values of the beleaguered B737-600 are continuing to decline while those for the -700 and -800 are experiencing further improvement. September saw the delivery of the last remaining -600 on order to Westjet. The last order for the -600, also placed by Westjet, was secured in August 2005. Total orders…

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November 27, 2006
CRJ200 Storage Levels Continues To Hamper Value Improvement
The number of CRJ200s in storage continues to be sufficiently high as to induce concern over remarketing opportunities and therefore the ability of values to recover from lows experienced earlier in the year. BACK Aviation Solutions has quoted an improving trend in CRJ200 storage levels. At the beginning of the…

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November 27, 2006
Resurrection Of CSeries Highlight Fluid Values For Larger Regional Jets
The potential revival of the Bombardier CSeries is likely to see variation in residual value calculations for not only the new model but also the expected B737NG and A320 family replacements. Based on refinements to the existing CSeries design, shelved at the beginning of the year, the new definition sees…

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November 13, 2006
Austrian Restructuring Points To Improved Market For Widebodies
A380 Delay Sees Operators Scramble For Capacity In eliminating the rest of its A330/A340 fleet and focusing on the existing B767/B777s in its fleet, Austrian Airlines is not only seeking to reduce costs but has also cited the improvement in widebody pricing emanating in part from the delay in the…

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November 13, 2006