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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Full-Life Maintenance Adjustments Cause Problems for Residuals
The increased use of full-life maintenance adjustments at the end of leases offers considerable financial engineering benefits but is increasingly serving to distort long-term residual values. Residual values have traditionally assumed that the aircraft will be retuned in the equivalent of half-life condition. The airframe for example will be half…

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August 20, 2007
Saab 340s Purchased At Attractive Price
The market for turboprops remains strong and there continues to be a shortage of quality equipment, such that pricing has continued to edge up. The Saab 340 has, in the past, been affected by issues of excess availability. There remain some 20 Saab 340s being advertised for sale or lease.…

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August 20, 2007
Turboprop Rentals Remain on Track
The development of an all new 70-seat turboprop by China, seemingly capable of competing with the Bombardier Dash8-400 and ATR72 underlines the demand for propeller aircraft while potentially causing problems for residual values of incumbent products. Residual value calculations for turboprops have not only benefited from the recent resurgence in…

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August 20, 2007
Financial Results Suggests Peak in Aircraft Values Yet to Come
Values Continue to Edge Up The ability of the airlines to report reasonably strong results in a period of sustained high fuel prices and intense competition provides at least a measure of confidence that the market has yet to reach its peak, thereby allowing values to edge up and for…

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August 6, 2007
Airbus Expects That A300/A310 Fleet Will Achieve Average 35 Years of Life
With the closure of the A300/A310 production line, the first such cessation in the 35-year history of Airbus, the manufacturer is making plans to support the aircraft through to possibly 2050. The final A300, a freighter, was delivered to FedEx in July this year while the last A310 was delivered…

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August 6, 2007
B737-500 Values Experience Modest Rise As Market Moves East
The values of the -500 are experiencing a modest increase as a result of reasonably sustained demand not least in Russia and Eastern Europe. The values of mainline 100 seaters have generally been under pressure during the course of this decade owing to a changing market structure. With the major…

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August 6, 2007
B757 Values Remain on Even Keel
Despite portents of doom in the run up to 2001 and in the years thereafter, values of the B757 have managed to recover and achieve a measure of stability over the course of the last two years. Operators of the B757 have seen the benefit of retaining the type for…

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August 6, 2007
Values of Aircraft in Production Remain on High
The values of those narrowbodies still in production remain strong not least because of a backlog that keeps on extending. Although some sale and leasebacks are resulting in high prices owing to higher rentals, those aircraft that are being sold with an existing attached lease may be featuring much lower…

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August 6, 2007