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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Values of B737-300 Remain Stable
The rise in lease rentals over the course of the last few years has eventually led to a slight improvement in values.   B737-300 Vital Statistics LAUNCH Mar-81 FIRST FLIGHT Feb-84 SERVICE ENTRY Nov-84 ORDERS 09/03 1,113 DELIVERIES 09/03 1,113 AVAILABILITY 14 OPERATORS 123 ENGINE TYPES CFM56 IN STORAGE 37…

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August 20, 2007
Aircraft Asset Assessment: The B737-300
Market Presence. There can be no ignoring the vast number of operators and the suitability of the type to a wide range of operations. Although production may have ceased many years ago, the proven reliability of the type combined with relatively low maintenance costs ensures that the type remains a…

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August 20, 2007
Engine Residuals Shrug Off Concerns Over Technology Leap Frog
The concern over global warming and the prospect of relatively rapid advances in engine technology have the potential to undermine the demand for existing engine models in the long term. With the service entry of the B787 comes new-generation engines, ones which can only draw such heritage from existing engine…

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August 20, 2007
Values of Aircraft in Production Remain on High
The values of those narrowbodies still in production remain strong not least because of a backlog that keeps on extending. Although some sale and leasebacks are resulting in high prices owing to higher rentals, those aircraft that are being sold with an existing attached lease may be featuring much lower…

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August 6, 2007
Lease Rentals of Most Regional Jets Enjoy Rise
The lease rentals of most regional jets, including those of the 50 seaters, have continued to climb. Because production of the 50 seaters continues in name only, operators are forced to the used market. Despite the operating economics of the 50 seats suffering through the high price of fuel, the…

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August 6, 2007
Values of A319 Continue to Improve
Such is the lack of capacity in the 130 segment of the market that values of the A319 have edged higher.   A319 Vital Statistics LAUNCH 05/1993 FIRST FLIGHT Aug-95 SERVICE ENTRY Apr-96 ORDERS 06/07 1258 DELIVERIES 08/05 866 BACKLOG 392 OPERATORS 81 ENGINE TYPES CFM56 IAE V2500 AVAILABILITY 3…

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August 6, 2007
Aircraft Asset Assessment
The A319 Market Presence. The A319 has established a clearly credible market presence, even ignoring other members of the A320 family. While financing and net cost may have played a role in securing some orders, the type enjoys success based on merit. The wider cabin interior, economics, flight deck layout…

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August 6, 2007
Financial Results Suggests Peak in Aircraft Values Yet to Come
Values Continue to Edge Up The ability of the airlines to report reasonably strong results in a period of sustained high fuel prices and intense competition provides at least a measure of confidence that the market has yet to reach its peak, thereby allowing values to edge up and for…

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August 6, 2007