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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
New Order Placements Help Overcome Jitters Over Values
While there may be problems ahead in terms of financing orders already placed, the recent flurry of activity provides an indication that demand for capacity remains buoyant. Norwegian Air Shuttle has recently announced an order for 42 B737-800s complete with winglets. The operator also took purchase options on a further…

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September 17, 2007
B787 Delay Fails to Dent Prospects for Values
Values of the B787 have experienced a material increase since the launch date and even with a potential three-month delay in the first flight, and possibly, first delivery, residuals are not expected to be impacted. The first flight, having slipped from around now to at least November, suggests that certification…

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September 17, 2007
Values of Regional Jets On Even Keel
The market for used 50-seat regional jets has far from disappeared and has been sufficient to absorb most of the remaining excess emanating from disposals from carriers such as Independence. The older CRJ100s as well as the smaller regional jets such as the ERJ135 and 328JET (except in a corporate…

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September 17, 2007
"Eastern" Regional Jets Have Potential to Upset Residuals
SSJ Roll-Out & First Non-Chinese ARJ21 Order Place Pressure on West The imminent roll-out of the Russian Sukhoi Superjet 100 and the development of the ACAC ARJ21 have the potential to place considerable pressure on existing products such as the Bombardier CRJ900 and Embraer 190/195 should the new "Eastern" aircraft…

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September 3, 2007
Older Aircraft Continue to Face Depressed Pricing
While the absence of newer aircraft continues to force pricing upwards, the lack of appetite for older aircraft continues to force down pricing, providing a glimpse of the potential prospects for aircraft currently held in high regard. A 1967 B707 freighter is still on the market priced at $750,000. A…

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September 3, 2007
B777-300ER Values Continue to Edge Higher As Demand Increases
A recent flurry of orders for the B777-300ER has allowed values to edge higher though values of $165 million and higher perhaps apply only to a few sale and leaseback deals. Cathay Pacific has added a further five B777-300ERs to its existing orderbook for 14 of the type. No deliveries…

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September 3, 2007
In-Production Widebody Rentals Remain Strong
The lease rentals of the newer widebodies remain strong. The demand for efficient capacity has led not only to a spate of fresh orders but also the acquisition and lease of used widebodies. Lease rentals of most widebodies have managed to enjoy a further, albeit slight, rise due to such…

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September 3, 2007
B777-300 Residuals Fail to Impress
The widebody market continues to grow but the values of the -300 continue to decline. Virtually all -300s remain with their original customers which makes for difficult determination of market values. Orders for the B777-300 total only 60, down from four years ago when 62 were on order. The last…

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September 3, 2007