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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Aircraft Asset Assessment The MD11
Market Presence. In terms of historical values of the MD11, initially the outlook appeared promising, resulting more from the overall perceptions regarding widebodies rather than a judgment concerning the actual type. The initial problems regarding range resulted in some concern although it was appreciated that most new aircraft have their…

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October 15, 2007
Current Values Take on Note of Realism
Despite sustained order announcements and extending backlogs, anxiety over the vulnerability of the economy, the fragility of the financial markets and the potential adverse impact on aviation demand, the market is reining in some of the hitherto unbridled optimism concerning current and even residual values. While global stock markets appear…

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October 15, 2007
New Aircraft Pricing Could Rise As PMA Bites
Move By Airlines To Source Cheaper Parts Could Also Boost Used Values The last decade has been characterized by minimal increases in the net prices of new aircraft, even in the context of a backlog that now extends for many years. Competition between Airbus and Boeing, as well efficiency drives,…

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October 1, 2007
Turboprop Values Exhibit Increase
The values of turboprops have continued to enjoy solid performance to the extent that prices and lease rentals have risen. A consequence of the recovery in the turboprop market has been the difficulty for some traders to find aircraft to sell. Lease rentals have improved but so too have values.…

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October 1, 2007
Banking Crisis Puts Values On Watch
Nervous Markets Could Stifle Further Rise in Values The on-going volatility in the worlds stock markets owing to lending in the U.S., has caused financial institutions and private individuals to carefully consider their investments such that cash needed to fund the increasing number of aircraft deliveries may be more difficult…

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September 17, 2007
New Order Placements Help Overcome Jitters Over Values
While there may be problems ahead in terms of financing orders already placed, the recent flurry of activity provides an indication that demand for capacity remains buoyant. Norwegian Air Shuttle has recently announced an order for 42 B737-800s complete with winglets. The operator also took purchase options on a further…

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September 17, 2007
B787 Delay Fails to Dent Prospects for Values
Values of the B787 have experienced a material increase since the launch date and even with a potential three-month delay in the first flight, and possibly, first delivery, residuals are not expected to be impacted. The first flight, having slipped from around now to at least November, suggests that certification…

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September 17, 2007
Values of Regional Jets On Even Keel
The market for used 50-seat regional jets has far from disappeared and has been sufficient to absorb most of the remaining excess emanating from disposals from carriers such as Independence. The older CRJ100s as well as the smaller regional jets such as the ERJ135 and 328JET (except in a corporate…

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September 17, 2007