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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Widebody Values Stable
To some extent the market for widebodies remains underserved creating a shortage and allowing values to show further modest signs of improvement. The delay in the delivery of the B787 has demonstrated the lack of widebody capacity. The B787 will not be delivered for at least another six months, possibly…

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October 29, 2007
B737-500 Values Start to Look Vulnerable
The values of the -500 are starting to suffer as the market moves towards alternative types. The introduction of new, larger regional jets as well as a changing structure and ageing product life cycle means that the B737-500 is losing some of its advantage. The lack of replacement orders for…

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October 29, 2007
B777-200LRF Residuals Continue to Improve
The placement of an order for three additional B777-200LRF by Guggenheim Aviation Partners, previously unidentified by Boeing, nonetheless underlines the popularity of the type and the potential for the strongest of residual values. A total of 82 orders have been placed for the B777-200LRF by 10 customers. The three latest…

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October 29, 2007
Environmental Issues Continue to Favor Values of Newer Aircraft
ICAO Division Keeps Residuals on Even Keel The growing division at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) between European members, and seemingly the rest of the world on the issue of how best to reduce aircraft emissions, suggests that the status quo will prevail for the foreseeable future, delaying the…

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October 15, 2007
ISTAT Conference Points to Incremental Technological Change
The consensus of opinion at the ISTAT conference suggests that more radical developments in aircraft design will be needed to combat both the real and perceived impact of aviation on greenhouse gases but that such innovation will take perhaps another 15-20 years based on current working and regulatory practices. At…

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October 15, 2007
Improvement in ATR Family Sees Only Minor Impact on Existing Values
Residual values of the existing ATR42-500 and ATR72-500 are likely to experience only a modest readjustment as a result of the launch of the -600. The values of the ATR42-500 and ATR72-500 have been riding high over the course of the last year due in no small part to the…

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October 15, 2007
Freighter Rentals Stable
The freighter market appears to be faced with conflicting pressures though not as yet sufficient to cause a reversal in fortunes. The demand for airfreight is showing signs of slowing in some sectors. The problems being faced in the U.S. economy and elsewhere are resulting in some loss of traffic…

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October 15, 2007
MD11 Values Lose Ground
The MD11 passenger aircraft may be in the minority but the type, through continued interest in the freighter program, continues to see relatively stable values. The international scheduled market is seeing sustained improvement and there has been an under-ordering of replacement capacity. Unfortunately, the MD11 has not been viewed as…

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October 15, 2007