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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Values Remain At Scrap Levels  
The combination of age, reliability and high fuel prices have continued to ensure that the DC10-30 has been displaced to the sidelines. The current fortunes of the B767-300ER hark back to the late 1980s when the rapid expansion of the international market, eagerness to participate in aircraft financing and delay…

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November 26, 2007
Aircraft Asset Assessment
The DC10-30 Market Presence. The surprise is that there are still DC10-30s in service. Gone are such flag carrier names as British Airways, SAS, Sabena, Swissair, Lufthansa, MAS, Northwest, Thai, PAL to be replaced by Omni Air and Biman. The operator base of the -30, a prime consideration when assessing…

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November 26, 2007
PMA Continues to Undermine Full-Life Maintenance Adjustments
With Delta and Chromally combining to produce parts for the CFM56-5 and CFM56-7 engines, the threat to traditional spares pricing continues to escalate, further undermining the value attributable to full-life maintenance status. Appraisers are increasingly being asked by financial institutions to add the dollar difference between half-life and full-life maintenance…

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November 26, 2007
BAe146/Avro RJ Values Remain on Even Keel as Demand Shifts East
Values of the BAe146/Avro RJ, seemingly under pressure from the expansion of the new generation of regional jets, continue to find favor in new markets. The high price fuel should be a major negative for the four-engined configuration but fuel represents a relatively small part of direct operating costs when…

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November 26, 2007
Values Remain At Scrap Levels
The combination of age, reliability and high fuel prices have continued to ensure that the DC10-30 has been displaced to the sidelines. The current fortunes of the B767-300ER hark back to the late 1980s when the rapid expansion of the international market, eagerness to participate in aircraft financing and delay…

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November 26, 2007
Aircraft Asset Assessment
The B747-400 Market Presence. The B747-400 still represents the core of many major carriers fleets around the world. Performance, economy and capacity have, until recently, been unmatched and had become the baseline by which all other types are judged. In designing the A380, Airbus had to reduce operating costs by…

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November 12, 2007
ILFC A350 Order Offers Potential for Strong Residuals
ILFC appears to have finally designed the aircraft it always wanted and committed to an order for 20 A350s suggesting that the revised aircraft will possess the attributes for residual value strength. Though the final configuration and design of the A350 has yet to be determined, enough of the basics…

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November 12, 2007
Values of Dash8-400 Suffer Temporary Decline
SAS Grounding Likely to be Isolated Unless Authorities Step In The grounding of some 27 Dash8-400 examples by SAS has led to a temporary fall in the value of the type. The confirmation that the board of SAS has opted to withdraw the Dash8-400 is a significant event. Not only…

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November 12, 2007