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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Refurbished A380s May See Shine Taken Off Values
Because of the capital intensive nature of aircraft, manufacturers have historically sought to refurbish flight test aircraft and sell to operators rather than retain for their own use and the A380 is no exception. The A380 program comprised five test aircraft. Serial number 001 is to be retained while three…

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February 4, 2008
Values of B777 & Dash8 Unaffected by Incidents
The crash landing of a British Airways B777-200ER and the alleged discovery of a "defective component" on the Dash8-400 have as yet had no material impact on perceptions nor values of either aircraft. SAS has examined landing gears on its now stored fleet of Dash8-400s and reportedly found problems with…

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February 4, 2008
Boeing Narrowbody Replacement has Potential to Impact B737NG Residuals
In beginning work on the replacement for the B737NG, Boeing hopes to be able to launch within two years and see service entry by 2015 thereby suggesting that residual values of narrowbodies in production should see a decline in the coming years. The Boeing B737RS research program is underway. The…

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February 4, 2008
Delays to New Aircraft Keeps Pressure on Rentals
The delay in the service entry of the B787 has ensured that those operators needing an extension to current leases will have to pay a premium. While there may be trouble ahead in terms of the uncertainty over the U.S. and therefore global economy, the expansion of international markets is…

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February 4, 2008
No Hiding Place for Older Widebodies
The combination of age, maintenance and inefficiency continue to take their toll on the older widebodies so much so that values for virtually all type are at scrap levels. The cost of reconfiguring the older widebodies is such that there are few owners willing to undertake the task. A widebody…

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February 4, 2008
B747-300 At Scrap Levels
The capacity of the B747-300 would seem to offer a means of escape for those failing to secure short-term capacity, yet the inefficiency of the type means that there is little interest. The problems experienced by many international carriers since the late 1990s has left the -300 isolated and vulnerable.…

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February 4, 2008
Aircraft Asset Assessment: The B747-300
Market Presence. The -300 represented a means for Boeing to stimulate new sales of the B747 during the development of the much more versatile -400 while also validating the concept of the stretched upper deck. Today the -300 has moved away from being a niche to a marginalized aircraft. The…

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February 4, 2008
350 Minutes ETOPs for A350 Will Aid Residuals
Airbus, having dismissed the idea of "warming" over the A330, have set themselves further challenges in developing the "all-new" A350 by seeking to offer out-of-the-box, 350- minute ETOPs compliance which would increase operational flexibility and therefore prove to be attractive to a greater number of operators. The U.S. Federal Aviation…

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January 21, 2008