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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
B787 Delays Continue to Favor A350
With the expectation of further delays to the B787 as a result of modifications to the wingbox, Airbus are likely to secure additional orders underpinning increasingly strong residual value calculations for the European product. Two years ago the prospects for residual values of the A350 were grim. Enhancements to an…

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April 14, 2008
U.S. Mergers Would Likely Lead To Type Specific Fall in Values
Whether the on/off merger between Northwest and Delta has still to progress the likelihood of at least one merger between the legacy carriers will inevitably lead to the disposal of some aircraft, whatever the pilots unions may wish. The need to integrate two fleets will lead to a number of…

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April 14, 2008
Previous Discounting of Dash8-400 Eroded As SAS orders NG Version
Following high profile landing incidents in 2007, the SAS grounding of 27 Dash8-400s led to a near twelve percent fall in values but with the operator now ordering 14 upgraded Dash8-400s much of the justification for the fall has dissipated. While the wider operator base of the Dash8-400 saw no…

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April 14, 2008
Current Values Past Their Peak?
Extending Backlog Fails To Paper Over Cracks The peak of the current cycle may have already passed such that the third quarter of 2007 could be viewed as the pinnacle given the amount of negative data now emerging. Just when the market appeared to be set to enjoy a sustained…

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March 31, 2008
Expectations of Higher Rentals in 2008 Contrasts With Market Fragility
Lease rentals for 2008 were expected to remain reasonably static but Aircastle, one of the new lessors on the block, has reportedly indicated that it expects to secure higher rentals and longer terms this year. The lessor reports that the company expects to secure 5-10 percent higher lease rentals in…

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March 31, 2008
B757 Values Remain Stable, Defying Odds
While the wider market may be set for a period of fluctuating fortunes, the prospects for the B757 seem more settled. Values of the youngest examples may have been under pressure over the course of the last year but for the majority of those B757s in service, the market has…

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March 31, 2008
A350-900 VIP Priced At "$230 million+"
Despite the A350-900 still largely being on the CAD/CAM monitor, Airbus has received an order for the VIP version of the aircraft, reportedly carrying a green-list price tag of $230 million. The list price of a new A350-900 currently stands at $230 million. Launch order commercial customers for the aircraft…

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March 31, 2008
Airbus Results Point to Tougher Price on New Aircraft
With Airbus reporting a loss of nearly Euro Euro900 million for 2007 the pressure is mounting for the manufacturer to secure higher prices for new aircraft. In 2007, Airbus essentially lost over a billion Euros due to the weakness of the dollar. While Airbus is already in the process of…

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March 31, 2008