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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
A320 Residual Values Could be Impacted by Intriguing Testing of P&W GTF
The announcement that Airbus is to undertake testing of the Pratt & Whitney Geared Turbofan (GTF) on one of the company's A340s is an interesting development and one which could potentially have medium-term implications for the current A320 family. Airbus is to start testing the Pratt & Whitney GTF in…

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April 28, 2008
Regional Jet Sector Faces Overcrowding
Lack Luster Residuals Will Face At Least One Model The long awaited competition to Western aerospace technology finally appears to have moved from the realm of desirability to reality with an actual order for the Mitsubishi Regional Jet from All Nippon Airways (ANA). The Western aerospace manufacturers, decimated over the…

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April 14, 2008
Downgrading of Prospects for Industry Highlights Value/Lease Juxtaposition
The second reduction in anticipated profitability of the airline industry by IATA in the space of only just over four months points to continued market uncertainty, contrasting with the effects of the credit crunch that has the potential to force lease rentals higher. The International Air Transport Association (IATA), the…

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April 14, 2008
Values of B737-300 Face Decline As Market Seeks Efficiencies
After experiencing a not so remarkable recovery over the course of the last few years, values of the ubiquitous B737-300 are under threat once more as operators seeking alternative equipment. In the period immediately after 2001, values of the B737-300 fell to record lows with some even being scrapped. Since…

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April 14, 2008
B737-900ER Values Continue to Please As Demand Remains Steady
After some uncertainty concerning relative strength, current and residual values of the B737-900ER continue to perform, comparing favorably with not only the B737-800 but also the competing A321-200. With constant talk of a replacement for the B737NG, there had been concern that the B737-900ER was introduced too late in the…

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April 14, 2008
Credit Crunch Could Actually Lift Rentals
Lease rentals of most aircraft appear to be holding firm despite the uncertainty that it is sweeping across the industry. Without the financial crisis that is now impacting some sectors of the world economy and undermining consumer confidence, there was an expectation that lease rates would start to fall as…

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April 14, 2008
Values of MD90s Continue to Decline
With a number of MD90s already having been parted out and speculation that those operated by Delta may be axed, the prospects for the MD90 are far from promising, despite the shortage of capacity. The MD90 represented the final version of a product that can be traced back to the…

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April 14, 2008
Aircraft Asset Assessment: The MD90
Market Presence. The reasonable operating economics, low noise footprint and restriction emissions have failed to generate interest in the type in recent years even with alternatives in short supply. The number of pilots certificated on the aircraft is limited as are sparse making it difficult for operators to acquire the…

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April 14, 2008