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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Aircraft Asset Assessment
A340-300 Market Presence. The A340-300 has previously provided operators with considerable operating flexibility. The four-engine configuration, combined with long haul capability, opened up a number of routes unable to support either the larger B777-300ER or the ETOPs constrained twin engined B777-200ER. The –300 has CFM56-5 engines while the new A340-500…

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September 15, 2008
Demand for B767-300ER Holds Steady Despite Collapse of Zoom
The demand for the B767-300ER remains sufficiently strong to cope with the collapse of Zoom, a prominent operator of the type. The values of the B767-300ER may have experienced a slight decline in recent months due to general uncertainty surrounding the aviation market. However, the unexpected emergence of five units…

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September 15, 2008
Pricing of New Narrowbody Aircraft Remains Competitive
Despite the best efforts of the manufacturers to raise pricing of new aircraft, apart from the benefit of escalation of base prices, the net cost of new narrowbody aircraft has remained virtually static. The manufacturers are anxious to ensure that any gaps that appear in the delivery schedule, as a…

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September 15, 2008
Drop in Fuel Price Provides Breathing Space for Values
Values Still Continue to Suffer With Older Types Most Vulnerable The fall in the price of fuel from its July peak provides a measure of breathing space for many airlines but the damage to the world economy is severe, making it difficult to avoid further falls in the value of…

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September 15, 2008
Profitability of Lessors At Peak
ILFC Expects Lease Rentals to Weaken Lessors, in continuing to post substantial profits, demonstrates that the market still has considerable flexibility before reliving the turmoil of the early 1990s and post 2001. Engine leasing has become a popular form of leasing in recent years as financial institutions appreciate the ability…

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September 1, 2008
Collapse of Gemini Highlights Cargo Problems
The complete collapse of Gemini Air Cargo, resulting in the disposal of eight DC10-30Fs and four MD11Fs, underlines the continued the severity of the market facing the cargo market. The combination of higher fuel prices, and declining economic activity have, as usual, been more keenly felt by cargo operators. The…

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September 1, 2008
Lease Rentals for Fokker 100 Seemingly High
While the market for older aircraft may seem to be waning due to the high price of fuel the demand for some aircraft types seems to suggest otherwise. With Aircastle indicating that the average value of its B737 Classics has fallen to approximate $6 million, the less than ubiquitous Fokker…

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September 1, 2008
Values of Newer Aircraft Start to Falter
To date the principal focus of the effects of the downturn have focused on the older generation aircraft but as operators face every tougher conditions, the weakness in values has begun to spread to newer types. Gaps have begun to appear in delivery schedules which may allow some operators to…

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September 1, 2008