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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
A300-600R Values Continue to Decline
Values of the -600R have continued to experience a significant fall from their peak of late 2007. The B787 already represents a formidable replacement for the -600R but the A350 will present the existing model with fresh challenges. But the B787 is not the cause oif the fall. The type…

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May 11, 2009
Aircraft Market Assessment
The A300-600R Market Presence. The age and heritage of the A300-600R are clearly evident when compared to newer types. Even the EFIS cockpit, a trademark of Airbus, fails to impress. However, except for newer examples of the same type or the similarly ageing specification of the B767-300, no replacement exists…

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May 11, 2009
A330-300 Values Experiencing only Modest Fall?
The demand for the A330-300 remains relatively strong despite the uncertainty in the market such that values have remained relatively steady. The market for the A330-300 has to be clearly delineated to avoid viewing all examples in the same light. The early examples – those built before the enhanced model…

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May 11, 2009
Production Cuts Not Quick Enough to Avoid Further Fall in Values
New China Southern B777Fs Head to Desert Storage The decision by Boeing to cut back widebody production in 2010 underlines the severity of the situation for values. Through to the end 2008, widebodies appeared to be avoiding the cutbacks in capacity being suffered by narrowbodies. The last four months has…

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April 27, 2009
…And Lower Escalation Also Affecting New Aircraft Values
The fall in commodity and energy prices as a result of the worldwide economic recession has seen a dramatic reversal in escalation applied to new aircraft deliveries such that used aircraft values are now being impacted. Six months ago the situation was the reverse. High commodity prices, not least the…

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April 27, 2009
Freighter Aircraft Values Under Severe Pressure
The storage of two new China Southern B777Fs for an as yet to be determined period, underlines the severity of the pressure on the airfreight sector such that values of some freighter aircraft continue to fall. The Japanese Ministry of Finance announced that exports dropped by 46 percent compared to…

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April 27, 2009
No Respite for Rentals
The lower price of fuel may have improved the cost side of the equation, the problem now lies with being able to fill the aircraft with reasonably high yielding passengers. The deterioration in lease rentals may be focused on the 50 seaters but the larger regional jets are also suffering…

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April 27, 2009
Freighter Values Experience Significant Decline
The global recession has result in an unprecedented decline in traffic and values have inevitably been badly impacted by the contraction of so many fleets. Only two years ago there was such a lack of feedstock for conversions that prices of passenger aircraft rose by some 50 percent. How times…

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April 27, 2009