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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
A330-300 Experiences Resurgence
The A330-300 has actually managed to achieve what few types have succeeded in doing – the decline in values has not only increased but so too has the Aircraft Rating improved. Airbus has managed to continue to sell A330-300s at a time when the market was in the depths of…

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April 26, 2010
Aircraft Asset Assessment: A330-300
Market Presence. Airbus has built a reputation around the use of the latest technology including envelope limiting computers, fly by wire and side stick controllers. Despite being designed in the 1980s, the A330 still is still viewed as contemporary though no match for the B787. Engines have undergone some upgrading,…

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April 26, 2010
Revived Fokker 100 Will Face Tough Market & Potentially Weak Values
The attempt by NG Aircraft to restart production of the Fokker 100 is fraught with difficulty and placing any value on the aircraft will likely involve the same hurdles as calculating those for other non-Western regional jets. With Embraer considering re-engining based on an existing but much more modern design…

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April 26, 2010
Possible E-Jet Re-engining Creates Residual Value Uncertainty
Regional Jet Residuals Placed “On Watch” The possibility that both Airbus and Boeing may re-engine their respective A320 and B737 families is now impacting the regional jet market as Embraer ponders the future of its E-Jet in the face of potential operating efficiency erosion, thereby making it necessary to reconsider…

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April 26, 2010
Peak in Values Expected in 2013
Improvement in Values Will Be Muted While values have still yet to bottom out, there is a growing need to determine when the next peak will occur as owners consider the most advantageous point for disposal. Cycles, in terms of aircraft values, are not consistent in terms of form or…

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April 12, 2010
IATA Traffic Levels Continues To Provide Basis for Lease Rental Recovery
The recovery in traffic levels continues to provide an important foundation for the recovery of lease rentals. February traffic, in terms of RPKs (Revenue Passenger Kilometers) grew by a significant 9.5 percent compared to the same month in 2009 when traffic slumped by more than ten percent, a figure that…

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April 12, 2010
Availability Levels Belie Real Surplus
The levels of availability continue to show relatively modest levels which can distort the perceived strength – or weakness - of the market. The number of aircraft actively being marketed today would seem to be at lower levels than during the depths of the market in 2002-2003. With a current…

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April 12, 2010
Post Production A330-200 Freighter Conversion Provides Comfort for Residuals
While the A330-200 is still considered a premier widebody, and likely to remain so through to at least the arrival of the A350, there has to be an appreciation that the type has already been in production for 12 years and that a secondary market will have to be found…

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April 12, 2010