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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
CRJ200ER Problems Fail to Dissipate
The orderbook for the CRJ200ER now lies empty while the parking lots fill out. Values of the CRJ200ER have experienced a significant fall in the last year and the next three years is expected to see a further 20 percent decline. Instead of an orderly change to larger gauge equipment,…

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May 10, 2010
Aircraft Asset Assessment: CRJ200
Market Presence. While the oldest CRJs are more than 18 years of age, Canadair made great strides in adapting the basic corporate jet design to the needs of the tougher commercial market such that its heritage should not be any more of a significant issue than for other regional jets.…

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May 10, 2010
Long Term Residual Values Start to Take Account of New Market Entrants
Long term forecasts increasingly need to take account of new market entrants that have the potential to rip asunder the current duopoly. Residual forecast regularly predict values for the next 15, 20 and even 25 years. There is sometimes a temptation to consider that the current aviation structure will persist…

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May 10, 2010
Possible E-Jet Re-engining Creates Residual Value Uncertainty
Regional Jet Residuals Placed “On Watch” The possibility that both Airbus and Boeing may re-engine their respective A320 and B737 families is now impacting the regional jet market as Embraer ponders the future of its E-Jet in the face of potential operating efficiency erosion, thereby making it necessary to reconsider…

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April 26, 2010
AVACs Industry Standard Aircraft Ratings Decline As Product Line Changes
The latest update to The Aircraft Value Analysis Company’s (AVAC) Aircraft Ratings indicates that the relative asset strength of the majority of aircraft still in production is set to decline over the next seven years, largely as a consequence of the service entry of new products. The Aircraft Ratings, the…

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April 26, 2010
MD87 Values May Be At Rock Bottom But Still Some Appetite for Leasing
The values of the MD87 have long since disappointed but 65 remain in service and the placement of two units demonstrates at least some appetite for a marginalized type. The MD87 has long since been viewed a minor variant and values have been written down in recent years. Of the…

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April 26, 2010
Engine Values & Lease Rates May Gain from Ash Cloud
The severe disruption to worldwide traffic caused by the volcanic ash from Iceland has the potential to lead to a rise in engine values and lease rentals as operators deal with perceived and actual consequences of operating aircraft both now and in the future. While the authorities and airlines are…

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April 26, 2010
Freight Market Edges Out of Recession
The improvement in the world economy is at last having a positive effect on airfreight such that freighter lease rentals have stabilized. Operators are at last placing surplus capacity back into service. The focus of attention is clearly on the newer aircraft types which offer greater fuel efficiency but there…

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April 26, 2010