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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Values Of A318 Continue to Fall
With only 83 orders and 73 deliveries the appetite for the A318 is clearly limited though much better than for the B737-600. Even the departure of the B7347-600 and B717 from the competition ring did not lead to improved market conditions for the A318. With a virtually static order book…

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July 5, 2010
Aircraft Asset Assessment: A318
Market Presence. As a member of the A320 family, technology is not an issue for the A318. Technical obsolescence will not feature for some years or at least until the A320 family is upgraded or replaced. The interior of the A318, providing a wider diameter than the competition, is already…

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July 5, 2010
Used Simulator Values Face Contradictory Pressures
At a price of some $15 million a new simulator represents a sizeable investment for airlines and dedicated facilities such that orders for new simulators have been few in number in recent years. At a time when record deliveries of aircraft are being made, the number of new simulator deliveries…

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July 5, 2010
Values of B757 Continue to Suffer
Conversions Obscure Waning Popularity Values of the B757 are declining as the market for the type continues to be concentrated in the U.S. ad availability increases. Until the last two years values of the B757 were performing well, largely shrugging off the negatives associated with cessation of production and a…

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July 5, 2010
More B767-300ERs Destined for Conversion at “$30 million” Each
The problems facing the B767-300ER have been further highlighted by the acquisition of three units from Qantas for conversion to freighter. The three aircraft – two of 1988 vintage and one of 1994 – have been acquired by Air Transport Services Group (ATSG). Featuring CF6-80C2B6 engines and a higher MTOW,…

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July 5, 2010
Waning Values Will Likely See A340-500 Market
Values of the A340-500 have been experiencing a considerable fall over the last few years and with operators seeking to dispose of the type the focus is likely to be more on use as a VVIP aircraft. A new A340-500 is being completed for the State of Kuwait and with…

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July 5, 2010
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values of Many Aircraft Still Expected to Fall in Near Term While values have still yet to bottom out, there is a growing need to determine when the next peak will occur as owners consider the most advantageous point for disposal. Cycles, in terms of aircraft values, are not consistent…

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June 21, 2010
The listing of current and future values are based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures for April 30 th 2010 current values…

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June 21, 2010