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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Third Measurement of Aircraft Life Emerges As Residuals Shorten
Asset Life Join Design and Economic Lives The issue of service lives has emerged as investors have come to recognize that aircraft will not remain in primary service for 30 years, leading to the conclusion that asset life should be considered alongside technical and economic lives. The concept of technical,…

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November 8, 2010
Another B767 Freighter Conversion Points to Lower Values
The move by Wagner Aeronautical to launch another passenger-to-freighter B767-300ER conversion program points to the expectation that availability of suitable feedstock will rise once B787 deliveries commence and with it lower acquisition prices. The Wagner conversion program will compete with the IAI modification as well as the Singapore Technologies Aerospace…

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November 8, 2010
Residual Values of Embraers’ Corporate Jets Remain Solid
The light jet market has seen new market entrants come and go but Embraer has bucked the trend by not only registering a sizeable backlog but also by delivering a viable product on time and on budget. The NBAA show was the venue for an order for 50 Embraer Phenom…

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November 8, 2010
B777-200 Values Suffer As Market Moves to Alternatives
The values of the B777-200 have experienced a fall as operators focus on newer and more versatile widebodies. The news that an ex-India B777-200 has been acquired from Wells Fargo Bank National Association for parting out serves to underline the fragility of this type. Serial number 26917 was originally manufactured…

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November 8, 2010
Lease Rentals Rising
The lease rentals of many of the narrowbodies still in production have risen although some types are facing sustained downward pressure. Rentals are provided by The Aircraft Value Analysis Company or Rates are quoted in thousands of US dollars per month and exclude maintenance reserves. They assume a…

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November 8, 2010
Widebody Values Start to Improve
The world economy continues to be fragile but premium traffic is recovering such that the widebody segment has improved. There is growing evidence that values of most widebodies in production have bottomed out with some even registering a modest improvement. However, there exist too many uncertainties to suggest that values…

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November 8, 2010
Fall in B737-600 Values Contrast with -800 Rise
With a paltry 69 orders, the values of the -600 have continued to decline. Values of the -600 were placed “On Watch” status nine years ago and to all intents, the variant has become marginalized such that existing operators will continue to be mainstay of the fleet for years to…

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November 8, 2010
Aircraft Asset Assessment: B737-600
Market Presence. In developing the B737NG Boeing created another more than capable product. Range, operating costs and interior flexibility have all been addressed. However, the market for the –600 has changed and the A318 represents an competitive alternative as do the regional jets. The range performance of the higher gross…

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November 8, 2010