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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Trent Powered A380 Values “On Watch”
The problems caused by the uncontained engine failure of a Trent 900 on the Qantas A380 will cause considerable problems for Airbus, Rolls-Royce and operators and as such the values of the specific airframe/engine combination, but not the A380, have been placed “On Watch”. The values of the A380 in…

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November 22, 2010
B747-400 Conversions Offer Prospect of Higher Values
The values of the B747-400 have started to emerge from the recession as a consequence of the placement of many Japan Airlines aircraft as well the improvement in the freight sector. While there continues to be concern over how resilient the recovery in the freight sector is, the trend in…

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November 22, 2010
Lease Rentals of Larger RJs Improve
The lease rentals of the larger regional jets have improved not least because the competition among the lessors is less intense. The market for the smaller regional jets remains limited such that lease rentals have barely changed but with the demand for the larger RJs comes higher values. The appetite…

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November 22, 2010
Freighter Market Stutters
There exists some concern that the influx of capacity may be premature but operators need to take the plunge at some point and the economic indicators are far better than those of a year ago. Values of freighters suffered in the recent recession, perhaps more so than in previous recessions,…

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November 22, 2010
Values of the B737-900 Continue to Suffer
The values of the B737-900 have faced continual downward pressure virtually since service entry. The B737-900 was launched in November 1997, some four years after the -700 was launched. Major assembly on the -900 was started in late 1999. The first delivery was undertaken in May 2001. The Boeing Company…

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November 22, 2010
Aircraft Market Assessment
The B737-900 Market Presence. The B737-900 has not proved to be a success. Just as the B757-300 and B767-400, the stretch to the existing B737-800 did not go far enough, leaving Airbus with a few more years in which to gain orders. The -900 is marginalized in terms of fleet…

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November 22, 2010
Residuals of B787-9 Gain Ground from Growing Preference For Larger Size
While Boeing may be having problems in getting the B787-8 to market, the prospects for the larger version are much more promising both in terms of actually being delivered and with respect to residual values. Stretching an existing design has the potential to greatly improve the economics due to a…

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November 22, 2010
A320 / B737NG Long Term Residuals Could be Squeezed by C919
Launch of Chinese 150 Seat Offering Will Further Muddy Residual Outlook If the prospects for long term residual values were not already shrouded in uncertainty due to the possible launch of the A320-NEO, then the development of the Chinese C919 is likely to increase the difficulty in establishing which aircraft…

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November 22, 2010