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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Chapter 2 Values Fade From View
For the majority of Chapter 2 aircraft, any value mostly resides with the operator. Seeking to sell the aircraft for cash was already proving to be more difficult and the credit crunch has only exaggerated the difficulties. There has been little change since the last update of June and therefore…

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January 31, 2011
Values of B757-300 Fail to Inspire
When the B757-300 was first ordered by Condor Flugdienst in September 1996 it seemed that the then ubiquitous B757-200 would be accompanied by a worth companion. Unfortunately, with only 55 orders, the amount of resources expanded on the development of the larger variant has barely seemed worthwhile. Current operators are…

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January 31, 2011
Aircraft Market Assessment

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January 31, 2011
The B757-300
Market Presence. The final sales tally of the –300 at 55 represents a disappointment for Boeing. However, this needs to be placed into the context of an overall successful B757 program. With amortized development costs for the B757-200 no longer an issue, the potential profit margin for Boeing increased such…

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January 31, 2011
Bombardier Downgraded As A320NEO Secures Order from Virgin America
The placement of an order for 60 A320s from Virgin America, including 30 A320NEOs, has prompted an analyst from financial advisor Raymond James to downgrade Bombardier from Outperform to Market Perform. The share price of Bombardier has exhibited an impressive gain in recent weeks as investors have seen an improvement…

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January 31, 2011
Aircraft Asset Assessment: ERJ145
Market Presence. Part of the structure of the ERJ145 can be traced to the successful EMB120 Brasilia. The airframe is therefore something of a known quantity in terms of being able to cope with the short sector lengths. The ability of the regional jets to offer a similar service life…

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January 17, 2011
Dumping of Dollar by China-Russia Points to New Currency for Residuals
November 2010 saw China and Russia enter into a new agreement which could herald profound consequences for the way in which aircraft are valued. Both China and Russia, major economic entities, are continuing to move away from the US dollar which has established itself as the international trading currency. The…

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January 17, 2011
Boeing List Prices See Near Six Percent Rise over Two Years
B787-3 Dropped But B787-8 Price Rises by Massive 11 Percent Registering a near six percent rise over two years, Boeing announced list prices for 2010 just days before the end of the year. Earlier in 2010 Airbus announced list prices for 2010, also indicating a six percent rise over two…

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January 17, 2011