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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Embraer E2 Seen As Producing Solid Residuals
The new E-Jets will offer a 16 percent improvement in the case of the E175 and 23 percent for the E195. The issue of fuel efficiency on the regional jets is of lesser significance than for the long haul widebodies as they are used on shorter routes. However, the lower…

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July 1, 2013
Values of Regional Jets Mostly Stable
The launch of the Ember E2 jets signals a move that is likely to have an effect on current offerings but only in the long term. A re-engining or all new replacement was always to be expected in terms of residual value calculations but now the extent and timing of…

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July 1, 2013
“Safe” Option on B787-10 Provides Difficulty for Value Assessment
The B777-10 has been finally launched at the sometimes soggy 2013Paris Air Show on the basis of substantial orders from a range of customers but despite a “simple stretch” service entry is not slated until 2018, some five years away and representing a longer timeframe than for most all new…

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July 1, 2013
Values of B747-200B Are No More
Even though the B747-200B seemed to personify international travel for two decades, in reality Boeing produced only 224 -200Bs although 176 -100 and -100Bs were also produced. Today fewer than 10 percent remain in service of which a number are either parked or awaiting an uncertain future. The market for…

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June 17, 2013
Advancing Age Starts to Undermine B737NG Values  
Values of Early B737NGs at Risk as Operators Rollover Fleets The B737-800 continues to be one of the most sought after assets for investors but advancing age and greater efficiency will inevitably see lesser desirability just as the A320 has experienced in recent years. The B737NG has been in service…

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June 17, 2013
CSeries Values Start to Firm Up As Diverse Customer Base Appears
The values of the CSeries are being more closely defined as the development of the new aircraft progresses and as the customer base expands. Determining the values of a new aircraft requires not only an assessment of the specification of the aircraft but also market penetration in terms of orders,…

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June 17, 2013
Rentals of Newer Turboprops Retain Integrity
The rates for older turboprops may have weakened but those for newer are remaining stable. The rates for newer turboprops appear to have peaked and are unlikely to rise any further unless there is a significant change in interest rates. The operating lease in the turboprop sector is gaining ground…

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June 17, 2013
In Production Values Slip Due to Age
The values of most in production used aircraft are experiencing a slight fall in the context of a still contradictory market. The market on the one hand is experiencing exceptional strength in terms of new orders but on the other the market for used aircraft is comparatively weak unless the…

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June 17, 2013