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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Milestone Delivery of 1,000th A330 Points to Still Strong Values
The 1,000th A330 has been delivered to Cathay Pacific representing a major milestone for the program and further underlining the stability in values. Even 10 years ago, the delivery of 1,000 A330 aircraft with another 250 on backlog would have been considered to be optimistic in view of the then…

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July 29, 2013
Values of Older Aircraft Weighed Down by Economics Not Delivery Rates
While both Airbus and Boeing are on course to deliver some 600 aircraft each during the course of this year, some of which will displace older aircraft, the extensive backlogs should be a contributing to a revival in values of used aircraft but are not. The first six months of…

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July 29, 2013
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Seeking to sell a used unencumbered aircraft for cash, even one less than ten years of age, continues to require considerable pricing flexibility and the preference for newer aircraft continues.  Values of aircraft generally managed to regain some of their losses incurred during the Great Recession but sufficient weakness in…

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July 15, 2013
Substantial Launch Orders Point to Strong Demand But Will the MTOW Increase?
The B777-10 has been finally launched at the sometimes soggy 2013Paris Air Show on the basis of substantial orders from a range of customers but despite a “simple stretch” service entry is not slated until 2018, some five years away and representing a longer timeframe than for most all new…

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July 1, 2013
Embraer E2 Seen As Producing Solid Residuals
The new E-Jets will offer a 16 percent improvement in the case of the E175 and 23 percent for the E195. The issue of fuel efficiency on the regional jets is of lesser significance than for the long haul widebodies as they are used on shorter routes. However, the lower…

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July 1, 2013
Values of Regional Jets Mostly Stable
The launch of the Ember E2 jets signals a move that is likely to have an effect on current offerings but only in the long term. A re-engining or all new replacement was always to be expected in terms of residual value calculations but now the extent and timing of…

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July 1, 2013
“Safe” Option on B787-10 Provides Difficulty for Value Assessment
The B777-10 has been finally launched at the sometimes soggy 2013Paris Air Show on the basis of substantial orders from a range of customers but despite a “simple stretch” service entry is not slated until 2018, some five years away and representing a longer timeframe than for most all new…

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July 1, 2013
A350 Values Start to Become Reality With First Flight
The values of the A350-900 are starting to become reality as not only the first flight but also a fly past over the Paris Air Show takes place. The time taken to bring the A350 to this point may seem longer than average but the aircraft is now starting its…

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July 1, 2013