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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Market Continues to Focus on Larger Aircraft
Lease rentals of regional jets continue to be firm though the smaller aircraft face placement difficulty. Russia has made some changes to legislation that will make it easier for operators to acquire smaller regional jets and turboprops and this region continues to be a source of demand for used equipment,…

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August 26, 2013
Variety of Fortunes for Widebody Values
Values of most widebodies continue to decline in the context of age while a few are managing to hold steady due to exceptional demand. Assuming that aircraft have a useful asset life of some 20 years, this suggests that even if the market has no influence then values should fall…

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August 12, 2013
Subsequent Upgrade to Weight and Engines Requires Cost/Benefit Analysis
Longer range capability is sought by manufacturers but an ever growing number of operators need capacity rather range and this continues to create considerable differential in values. The B777-200ER is a classic example of where some Asian carriers have needed medium haul capability. Instead of using the higher 656,000lb MTOW…

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August 12, 2013
B777-200ER Values Tumble
There is a growing realization that the -200ER is no longer the desirable asset that it once was. Values are therefore experiencing a notable decline. The virtual absence of orders for the B777-200ER at a time when the A330-300 is securing such a large number points to a type that…

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August 12, 2013
B737-500 Values Continue to Fall As Five Offered for “$2.5m Each”
Values of the B737-500 continue to face difficult times as operators focusses on newer regional jets that offer similar capacity or are instead seeking to move to larger equipment. A Swiss company, Altamura, is offering five B737-500s for sale. The aircraft were manufactured in 1992 and have been operated by…

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August 12, 2013
Lessors Seek to Increase Rentals
The competition to place aircraft is intense but lessors are increasingly seeking to temporarily park aircraft rather than accept lower rentals. The increase in the proportion of the fleet that are leased has also seen increased competition among the lessors. The product life cycle of the B737-800 for example, is…

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August 12, 2013
Aircraft Asset Assessment: B777-200ER
Market Presence. As an all-new aircraft, Boeing had the opportunity to employ the latest technology. Though the company opted not to employ full fly by wire as adopted by Airbus, the use of LCD screens in the B777 cockpit was only subsequently incorporated by Boeings European competitor, demonstrating that Airbus…

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August 12, 2013
Residuals of Low Weight A350-900 May Need Fine Tuning
Longer range capability is sought by manufacturers but an ever growing number of operators need capacity rather range and this continues to create considerable differential in values. The B777-200ER is a classic example of where some Asian carriers have needed medium haul capability. Instead of using the higher 656,000lb MTOW…

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August 12, 2013