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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Values of New Aircraft Confused with Net Prices
A new aircraft straight off the production line can attract a number of different figures in terms of values and price and a lack of definition can sometimes cause confusion. The manufacturers issue List Prices for their aircraft each and every year. These list prices have increasingly lost their relevance…

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October 7, 2013
Expansion of Operating Stabilizes Rentals
The market for the turboprop operating lease continues to be expand as investors appreciate the sometimes greater margins that are available. The expansion of the operating lease will eventually lead to greater competition, thereby potentially impacting lease rentals. However, the current leasing market for turboprops perhaps can be equated to…

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October 7, 2013
Early A320 Asking Prices Approximate Scrap Values
The values of more modern Airbus aircraft have been comparable to those of competitors but inevitably, and in common with all manufacturers, there are some types that have not proved so popular in the long term and values have fallen. A 1989 A300-600RSF has an asking price of $6 million…

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October 7, 2013
Surplus Continues to Drive Down B737-300 Values
The demand for the B737-300 is far from strong but a surprising number continue to be traded albeit at low rates. The values of the B737-300 have experienced a significant fall in the last few years and the decline will continue. As predicted, aircraft out of production only have one…

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October 7, 2013
Aircraft Asset Assessment: B737-300
Market Presence. There can be no ignoring the vast number of operators and the suitability of the type to a wide range of operations but there can also be no disguising the number that are in storage. Although production may have ceased more than a decade ago, the proven reliability…

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October 7, 2013
Value Convergence for B767-300ER
The extensive product life cycle of the B767-300ER and the limited number of upgrades inevitably reduces the age related premium of those examples delivered in the final years of the program. The B767-300ER was first delivered in February 1988 to American Airlines and deliveries are still being made today. Engines,…

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September 23, 2013
Values of A319 Face Challenging Future
The 120 seat segment of the market is facing increased competition from the CSeries and the Embraer E-Jets as well as a changing market structure such that orders in recent years have failed to materialize. A319 Vital Statistics LAUNCH 05/1993 STANDARD MTOW 141,100lbs LIST PRICE 2013 $83.6 $92.0m (neo) FIRST…

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September 23, 2013
Widebody Rates Stable As Growth Takes Hold
The further improvement in the world economy continues to generate demand for widebodies, both new and used, thereby allowing lease rentals to remain stable. Even as the manufacturers deliver record levels of aircraft – Airbus has delivered 70 A330s through to the end of August and Boeing 61 B777s –…

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September 23, 2013