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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
A380 Values Remain Firm Despite Need for Fresh Orders
The values of the A380 continue to remain stable even though the type, along with the B747-8I, is suffering from a shortage of new orders. To date values of the A380 have performed well with the values of the newest and those featuring the higher MTOW edging closer to $220…

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November 4, 2013
Rentals Ease Back From Peak
While lease rentals of the larger regional jets remain strong they are considered to have peaked not least because of the maturity of the product line. Despite the slight easing of rentals at the upper end of the scale, rates in general are still holding relatively steady. Rates could rise…

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November 4, 2013
Freighter Values Continue to Weaken
The resurgence in demand for airfreight always seems to be just around the corner. However, this has been the case for the last few years and demand has yet to return. This has increased pressure on values such that future falls have been experienced for dedicated freighters. Again, the lower…

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November 4, 2013
CSeries Values Gain Traction
First Flight Moves CSeries from Concept to Reality The first flight of the CSeries on the 16th September 2013 represented a significant step for both the CSeries and Bombardier, turning the aircraft from a paper aircraft to reality and making it necessary to assess asset value in the context of…

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November 4, 2013
Values of B737-500 Continue to Fall
The B737-500 continues to find favor with a number of operators but supply continues to outstrip demand. The values of the -500, in common with other members of the B737 Classic family, have experienced a considerable decline over the course of the last five years. The introduction of new larger…

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November 4, 2013
Freighter Lease Rentals Fail To Advance
The parting out of a B747-400BCF only six years after being converted is a sad indictment of the state of the airfreight market. Serial number 27070 was built in 1994 and operated by Singapore Airlines until being acquired by Cathay Pacific in 2007 and converted to a freighter. The aircraft…

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October 21, 2013
Sale of Five Air India B777-200LRs to Etihad for “$500 million”
The purchase of five used B777-200LRs by Etihad from Air India after such a short period of service points to potentially changing market conditions for the -200LR and therefore lower residuals. The five B777-200LRs were delivered to Air India in 2007 and 2008 and are therefore only some six years…

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October 21, 2013
B777-300 Values Fail to Inspire
The limited operator base, a consequence of limited performance due to the arrival of the -300ER, continues to plague values of the type and cause a constant decline. The -300 has been under pressure for a number of years, even before the onset of the recession. The limited range of…

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October 21, 2013