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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Values of Widebodies Continue to Decline
The enthusiasm for the new generation of widebodies continues to mask some of the deficiencies of existing examples. The last decade has seen an expansion in the widebody operator fleet as liberalization has taken hold in established markets and as the globalization of the world economy has facilitated the emergence…

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November 18, 2013
Residual Values of Smaller Capacity Widebodies Start to Suffer
Just as the demand for smaller narrowbodies has waned in the last decade, so too is it becoming increasingly apparent that the appetite for smaller widebodies is diminishing, forcing conservative residual values to be provided. While the A310-200/-300 and B767-200/-200ER both had reasonable success, in terms of orders at least,…

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November 18, 2013
Few MD11s Remain in Service
With only 17 passenger MD11 remaining in service values of the MD11 have continued to decline as the type is increasingly withdrawn from passenger service and as operators lose interest in the type as a candidate for freighter conversion. Unfortunately, the MD11 has not been viewed as a prime solution…

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November 18, 2013
Dash8-400 Backlog Puts Residuals “On Watch”
Residual values of the Dash8-400 have been put “On Watch” as the backlog remains at low levels although the agreement with Russia, if ratified, may prevent values from deteriorating. While ATR enjoys backlog that runs into three digits those for the Dash8-400 number only slightly more than 30 which represents…

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November 18, 2013
CFM TRUEngine Continues to Secure Stronger Residuals
Risk Adverse Operators & Investors Value TRUEngine Status CFM continue to be successful in protecting their spares revenue stream on the CFM56 by highlighting the potential for stronger residual values on their TRUEngine and persuading operators, owners and lessors that the use of third party Part Manufacturing Authority (PMA) content…

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November 18, 2013
Residual Values of B737-900ER Continue to Be Uncertain
The residual values of the -900ER, both current and future, should be strong given the size of the variant and proven performance but unfortunately that is not the case. The customer base for the -900ERcontinues to be restricted. The first order for the -900ER was made as far back as…

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November 18, 2013
Values of B737-500 Continue to Fall
The B737-500 continues to find favor with a number of operators but supply continues to outstrip demand. The values of the -500, in common with other members of the B737 Classic family, have experienced a considerable decline over the course of the last five years. The introduction of new larger…

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November 4, 2013
Residual Values of Low Cost Operator Aircraft Potentially Weaker
The values of aircraft operated by some low cost operators have the potential to be weaker than for other examples. Although many airlines have become “low cost” out of competitive necessity, some have the ability to offer low cost fares through higher than average utilization of their aircraft. Most mainline…

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November 4, 2013