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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Values of Older Engines Keep on Falling
There is a generally held perception that engines hold their value much better than the airframes that they power. This is a correct assumption. However, engines need continual investment for their value to be held and there comes a time when the operator base of installed engines contracts to a…

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March 10, 2014
Dedicated Freighter Values Continue to Suffer
The changing structure of the airfreight market combined with the weaker, though improving, traffic means that the appetite for dedicated freighter is not as strong as it once was, potentially leading to lower values both now and in the future. In the four years leading up to the market peak…

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February 24, 2014
A321-200ceo & neo Values Continue to Edge Upwards
Residual Value Outlook Better for A321 While Boeing may be undecided about how – or whether – to replace the B757 in the next decade, the orders for virtual replacements in the form of the A321neo and B737-9MAX continue to mount with the Airbus product more favored. After a false…

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February 24, 2014
B757 Replacement Unlikely to Impact Residuals
The speculation surrounding the possible development of a replacement for the B757 has intensified but with Boeing focussing on the B737MAX, B777X and B787-10 there appears that there will be little possibility of anything emerging for at least another decade, if then. With the A321 and B737-900ER able to undertake…

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February 24, 2014
Values of Newer Turboprops Hold Stready

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February 24, 2014
A320 Rates Continue to Rise
Despite exhibiting a fall a year ago the lease rentals of the A320 are enjoying a slight improvement such that rates of approximately $340,000 per month may be secured for new aircraft. or Rates are quoted in thousands of US dollars per month and exclude maintenance reserves. They…

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February 10, 2014

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February 10, 2014
Lease Rental Matrix Sees Shift to Longer Terms As Market Improves
The LRM (Lease Rental Matrix), which determines the average lease length and the adjustment to quoted lease rentals to reflect longer or shorter terms, has seen an extension to average terms as demand continues to outstrip supply. The LRM has been constant for the last two years but lessors are…

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February 10, 2014