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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Market Negatives Contain Values
Only New A350-900 & B787-9 Values Exhbit Rise The October 31st and 51st issue of The Aircraft Value Reference published by The Aircraft Value Analysis Company (AVAC reveals a market that is coping with a mounting number of negative influences despite still record backlogs. The values of virtually all…

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November 28, 2016
United 2016-2 EETC Sees Strong Values
The values contained in the United Airlines 2016-2 EETC covering 13 aircraft continues to show stable market conditions. The 13 aircraft covered by the EETC are new aircraft and mainstream types though some are in the process of being replaced by new products. The aircraft yet to be delivered comprise…

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November 28, 2016
Widebody Market Continues to Suffer
The market for some widebodies continues to contract and there exists a sense that there is something of an oversupply. Widebodies being delivered continues apace but at the expense of falling yields. Airlines are having to cut ticket prices to stimulate demand. The transition to new models continues and this…

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November 14, 2016
Widebody Rentals Vulnerable But Steady
The airfreight market continues to experience low load factors and fragile yields but traffic for September showed some promise. While the airfreight market continues to remain fragile, there are at least indications of a modest improvement in recent months which has gone some way to alleviating the downward pressure on…

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November 14, 2016
Aircraft Asset Assessment
The B737-500 Market Presence. The -500 has a limited market presence though there are over a 100 operators of the type with many operating less than five units. With dozens in storage and scrapped, the market for the type is limited. In contrast to the B737-300 and -400 there is…

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November 14, 2016
No Respite for B737-500 Values
With some 50 percent of the fleet either in storage or having been scrapped, values of the -500 have continued to decline at a rapid rate. The oldest B737-500 is only 26 years of age with a fleet average of around 20 years. Yet of the 389 that have been…

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November 14, 2016
A320neo Residual Values Set to Achieve Parity With B737MAX8
Despite the hiatus of deliveries, values of the A320neo are nudging ever closer to those of the B737MAX8. The values of the A320 have historically lagged behind those of the B737-800. The difference in value between the A320ceo and the B737-800 is approximately $4 million with the former being $44.5…

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November 14, 2016
Scrap Values Come to Fore Particularly for Widebodies
While the overall market – and market sentiment – remains reasonably optimistic, there exists sufficient concern as to prompt ever greater interest in seeking to establish the scrap value both now and in the future. There are two parting out values. The first parting out value is the price that…

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November 14, 2016