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Aircraft Archive: Bombardier
Waning Backlog, Production Rate, Order Intake Portent of Weakness
Values Falter When Backlog Falls to 15% of Orderbook, Production Falls by 50% Aircraft values are affected by a multitude of sometimes disparate factors but the fall in production rates, a hiatus in order placements and the contraction of the backlog represent key turning points for values and usually signal…

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November 13, 2017
All But Latest Widebody Values Fall
While the market in terms of traffic is rising above trend the move to newer types and competitive pressures on yields ensures that pricing of used widebodies is less bouyant. Values and Ratings courtesy of The Aircraft Value Analysis Company, The Aircraft Value Analysis Rating (AVAR) reflects the…

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November 13, 2017
B747-400 Lease Rentals Continue to Fall As Operators Divest
The lease rentals of the B747-400 are a shadow of their former levels which is no surprise in view of the divesting from long term operators and the lack of attraction among second and third tier operators. Introduced in 1989, the oldest passenger B747-400 is now nearly 30 years of…

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November 13, 2017
More Positives Than Negatives Apparent for Large Business Jet Values
The market for used large business jets is showing some signs of improvement which in turn has allowed demand to outweigh supply and provide some breathing space for prices. Notably the number of used large business jets on the market has undergone a marked improvement. In September 2016 AMSTAT reported…

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November 8, 2017
Aircraft Asset Assessment - CRJ900
Market Presence. The demand for the CRJ900 has been notable with 438 ordered as of 2017. The demand for the 90 seats was proven with the F100, the BAe146-200/300/RJ85 but the CRJ900 brought new operating economics. While the concentration with US customers is of particular concern, the number of orders…

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November 8, 2017
CRJ900 Values Slide Down
The CRJ900 has been a best seller for Bombardier and represents the majority of CRJ aircraft now being delivered but such sustained production has been as the expense of net pricing and there is now speculation that the CRJ series is up for sale as the program nears the end…

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November 8, 2017
Aircraft Asset Assessment
Market Presence. Airbus has built a reputation around the use of the latest technology including envelope limiting computers, fly by wire and side stick controllers. Despite being designed in the 1980s, the A330 still is still viewed as contemporary though no match for the B787 at least in terms of…

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October 30, 2017
Values Fare Better – ie Prices Stop Falling
The market for heavy business jets over the last decade, ever since the heyday of the business jet, has been varied. Initially the large business jets seemed able to avoid the virtual collapse that other business jet categories suffered in the aftermath of the financial crisis. Then as some the…

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October 30, 2017