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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B787-8
Values of Widebodies Continue to Decline
The enthusiasm for the new generation of widebodies continues to mask some of the deficiencies of existing examples. The last decade has seen an expansion in the widebody operator fleet as liberalization has taken hold in established markets and as the globalization of the world economy has facilitated the emergence…

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November 18, 2013
Residual Values of Smaller Capacity Widebodies Start to Suffer
Just as the demand for smaller narrowbodies has waned in the last decade, so too is it becoming increasingly apparent that the appetite for smaller widebodies is diminishing, forcing conservative residual values to be provided. While the A310-200/-300 and B767-200/-200ER both had reasonable success, in terms of orders at least,…

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November 18, 2013
B777-9X Residuals Likely To Perform Well After Cautious Start Values of All “First Batch” of New Aircraft Require Fuller Analysis
The order from Lufthansa for 34 of the yet to be formally launched B777-9X, along with 25 A350-900s, represents a significant step for the new type but also raises the question of how to deal with values of the initial batch of aircraft given recent events with other types. The…

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October 7, 2013
Boeing List Prices Rise by Modest Two Percent
The list prices of Boeing aircraft have risen by a modest 1.9 percent on average between 2012 and 2013 which is nearly half the rise registered for Airbus aircraft earlier in the year. Even though customers do not pay list prices they still represent something of a starting point. There…

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August 26, 2013
Values of B777-200ER Continue to Fall Due to Zero Backlog
The values of the -200ER continue to fall despite remaining a popular aircraft for a variety of carriers though the age of the variant indicates that new offerings from Airbus and Boeing will see further displacement. The -200ER orderbook totals 442 for which none remain to be delivered. The values…

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August 26, 2013
Pricing Disparity Between B787 & A350 Set to Emerge Due to Rising Costs?
The considerable delay to the service entry of the B787, combined with the issue of penalty payments, has created a problem for future sales pricing of the aircraft. When launched, the development cost of the B787 was expected to be some $6 billion seeking a reduction from the original forecast…

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August 12, 2013
Variety of Fortunes for Widebody Values
Values of most widebodies continue to decline in the context of age while a few are managing to hold steady due to exceptional demand. Assuming that aircraft have a useful asset life of some 20 years, this suggests that even if the market has no influence then values should fall…

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August 12, 2013
B777-200ER Values Tumble
There is a growing realization that the -200ER is no longer the desirable asset that it once was. Values are therefore experiencing a notable decline. The virtual absence of orders for the B777-200ER at a time when the A330-300 is securing such a large number points to a type that…

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August 12, 2013