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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B787-10
B777-9X Residuals Likely To Perform Well After Cautious Start Values of All “First Batch” of New Aircraft Require Fuller Analysis
The order from Lufthansa for 34 of the yet to be formally launched B777-9X, along with 25 A350-900s, represents a significant step for the new type but also raises the question of how to deal with values of the initial batch of aircraft given recent events with other types. The…

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October 7, 2013
Values of B777-200ER Continue to Fall Due to Zero Backlog
The values of the -200ER continue to fall despite remaining a popular aircraft for a variety of carriers though the age of the variant indicates that new offerings from Airbus and Boeing will see further displacement. The -200ER orderbook totals 442 for which none remain to be delivered. The values…

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August 26, 2013
Boeing List Prices Rise by Modest Two Percent
The list prices of Boeing aircraft have risen by a modest 1.9 percent on average between 2012 and 2013 which is nearly half the rise registered for Airbus aircraft earlier in the year. Even though customers do not pay list prices they still represent something of a starting point. There…

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August 26, 2013
Aircraft Asset Assessment: B777-200ER
Market Presence. As an all-new aircraft, Boeing had the opportunity to employ the latest technology. Though the company opted not to employ full fly by wire as adopted by Airbus, the use of LCD screens in the B777 cockpit was only subsequently incorporated by Boeings European competitor, demonstrating that Airbus…

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August 12, 2013
A350 Values Start to Become Reality With First Flight
The values of the A350-900 are starting to become reality as not only the first flight but also a fly past over the Paris Air Show takes place. The time taken to bring the A350 to this point may seem longer than average but the aircraft is now starting its…

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July 1, 2013
Substantial Launch Orders Point to Strong Demand But Will the MTOW Increase?
The B777-10 has been finally launched at the sometimes soggy 2013Paris Air Show on the basis of substantial orders from a range of customers but despite a “simple stretch” service entry is not slated until 2018, some five years away and representing a longer timeframe than for most all new…

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July 1, 2013
“Safe” Option on B787-10 Provides Difficulty for Value Assessment
The B777-10 has been finally launched at the sometimes soggy 2013Paris Air Show on the basis of substantial orders from a range of customers but despite a “simple stretch” service entry is not slated until 2018, some five years away and representing a longer timeframe than for most all new…

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July 1, 2013
A340-300 Values Still In Decline
The values of the A340-300 have been consistently falling for a number of years and there seems to be no means of preventing such a decline. The four engined configuration for medium sized widebodies has been overtaken by events such that values of existing units have been exposed by the…

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June 4, 2012