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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B777-300ER
Values of Newer Widebody Aircraft Set to “Fly” 2023
Older Widebody Values See Little Improvement Despite Demand The year 2022 saw values of in-production narrowbodies reach, and even exceed, pre-Covid levels but it will only be in the latter part of 2023 that widebodies will be able to boast the same degree of recovery. The international markets, particularly long…

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January 16, 2023
Maintenance Reserves & EOL Payments Continue to Escalate
The inflationary effects on the maintenance, repair, overhaul (MRO) business as a consequence of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the supply chain issues resulting from the Covid Event are inevitably seeing operators paying more, both in terms of hourly maintenance reserves and End of Lease compensation payments. During 2021,…

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January 16, 2023
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Current Market Value Assumptions
The listing of current and future values is based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures represent adjustments for offer and sale prices,…

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January 2, 2023
Values of Larger Widebodies Stabilize As Traffic Surges
Capacity Failing to Match Demand The values of the very large widebodies have suffered a catastrophic fall over the course of the last four years but there now seems to be an opportunity for those values to experience a measure of stability, at least for a short period. The values…

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December 5, 2022
A South Sea Bubble in the Making?
The values of freighters remain strong as is evidenced by the dash for conversions but there remains a concern that this may be a South Sea Bubble in the making with demand failing to match capacity. The origins of the South Sea Bubble, the South Sea Company having been founded…

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December 5, 2022
B777-200F Prices Continue to Soar As Orders Pile In
Despite the development of the B777-8F, orders for the B777F continue to be placed in numbers allowing Boeing to continue production of the B777 until the much-delayed B777-9 arrives in 2025. Values of new B777-200Fs barely faltered during the Covid Event due to the collapse of passenger traffic and the…

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November 21, 2022
Older Widebodies May See Temporary Demand
As the manufacturers struggle to gear up production of widebodies, older types may be temporarily brought back into service but this is unlikely to warrant an improvement in values. Values and Ratings courtesy of The Aircraft Value Analysis Company, The Aircraft Value Analysis Rating (AVAR) reflects the considered…

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November 21, 2022
B777-300 Values Face the Abyss
The B777-300 has always operated in the shadow of the -300ER and today that is even more the case. Values of the B777-300 continue to flounder even as the international market improves by leaps and bounds. The B777-300 has always failed to inspire being one of Boeing’s “B” variants and…

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October 24, 2022
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