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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B777-300
Annual Jet Aircraft Lease Rate Listing
Incremental Rise in Lease Rentals Persists The imbalance between supply and demand in favor of the latter has continued to allow lease rentals of newer equipment further improvement. For over two years lease rentals have enjoyed a substantive revival. Lease rentals of such popular aircraft were less than $200,000 during…

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March 19, 2007
Widebody Rentals Still On The Up
The Lease Rentals Of Widebodies Continue To Rise As The Market Enjoys Sustained Growth. The market conditions of today are increasingly reminiscent of the late 1980s. Lease rentals of used widebody equipment experienced a surge in the late 1980s as Boeing and McDonnell Douglas struggled to introduce the MD11 and…

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February 5, 2007
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values Of Old & New Continue To Diverge While the values of more modern aircraft continue to improve, those of older types face terminal decline in the face of a sustained rise in fuel prices and escalating maintenance costs. The majority of aircraft in mainstream production, particularly the narrowbodies, are…

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January 8, 2007
Airbus Widebodies Suffer
The problems facing Airbus have already impacted current values of their widebody products though this is more a consequence of the high price of fuel. The four engined configuration, just as with the trijets, no longer hold such relevance as they once did. The escalation in the price of fuel…

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October 30, 2006
Are Rentals Reaching Their Peak?
Lease rentals are tentatively increasing but for the most part seem to have reached a peak. The summer season may have passed but demand remains strong. While some widebodies will become available on short term leases, wet and dry, for the most part there will be sufficient retention to sustain…

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October 2, 2006
Widebody Values Experience Mixed Fortunes
The demand for the right kind of widebodies remains strong, sufficient to justify a modest increase. A number of widebodies continue to face weakness while others are enjoying modest gains. While not all carriers are able to contemplate adding capacity there are others who have the appetite to acquire additional…

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July 24, 2006
B777-300ER Becomes the Star Widebody
The -300ER has been in service for only two years but has established itself as the most desirable of widebodies, aided of course by the high price of fuel. The twin-engine design coincided with the development of much more reliable engine technology. Without reliable engines, a long-range twin engined was…

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July 24, 2006
Values of Newer Aircraft Types Continue to Rise
The Results of Our Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing While both Airbus and Boeing secured substantial orders during 2005, the year 2006 has not been so kind to beleaguered Airbus. Lack of orders, problems facing four-engine widebodies, delays in the A380, uncertainty over the A350/A370, and the forced resignations of…

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July 10, 2006