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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B777-200ER
Widebody Rentals Stable
The need to redistribute widebody capacity in the wake of various events, not least those in Japan and the latest involving ash clouds, has taken the edge of the improvement in international traffic. However, whatever the fragility of the market there can be no denying the sustained interest in international…

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June 20, 2011
B777-300 Values Continue to Face Problems
The market for the type continues to experience problems even if there is a demand for newer widebodies. The -300 has been under pressure for a number of years, even before the onset of the recession. The limited range of the -300 has been a major problem for the aircraft,…

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June 20, 2011
Timeline of B787-10 Sufficiently Obscure As to Favor B787-9 Residuals
The continued dithering by Boeing over if, when and what form the B787-10 will allow residual values of the already launched B787-9 to be that much stronger in the period through to 2020, and possibly beyond. By having to focus on current difficulties, Boeing is taking a more measure approach…

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June 6, 2011
Value of New B767-300ERs Stable As Production Stretches to 2013
Values of New -300ERs Attract 65 Percent Discount Compared to List Price The delay to the service entry of the B787 has forced operators to seek alternative equipment but the placement of new orders for the B767-300ER will likely have been at heavily discounted prices. Despite the “imminent” service entry…

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May 23, 2011
A330-300 & B777-300ER Lead The Way
The demand for widebodies continues and values of some types continue to improve. The events in Japan and in the Middle East are taking their toll on operators who are being forced to disperse capacity to other arenas. The problems for the U.S. airlines may be exacerbated by increased terror…

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May 9, 2011
B777-200ER Values Decline
The virtual absence of orders for the B777-200ER at a time when the A330-300 is securing such a large number points to a type that has lost its place among the top ten of most desirable assets. The previous expansion of the customer base and on-going popularity persuaded financial institutions…

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April 25, 2011
Asking Prices Remain Optimistic
With funding still difficult to locate the sale of used aircraft can be difficult with considerable resources required during the remarketing process. An A310 built in 1985 has an asking price of $7.2 million while two low time A310-200 converted freighters have an asking price of $6 million each which…

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April 25, 2011
Rising Fuel Prices Favors Newer Aircraft
The month of February 2011 saw only a marginal improvement in freight traffic compared to the same month in 2010 although a year ago freight traffic was registering significant improvements. The price of fuel remains a concern for the freight market. Freight forwarders have traditionally been quick to apply fuel…

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April 25, 2011